Every week the right launches a new attack. In these days there were new layoffs from state and railway workers, the new Omnibus Adjustment Law was presented and they do not approve joint labor relations. More high rates arrive and retirees received pittance.
The CGT lets it pass. The CTA does not fight seriously. The unions fight separately. Some leaders talk about a “national strike” but do nothing.
There is another way: the left and the combative sectors face the chainsaw plan coordinated and in the streets. In a coordination meeting we voted on a new day of struggle. This Friday the 12th we are going to reject the layoffs and the new Omnibus Law. With those fired from GPS-Aerolíneas, the Ministry of Labor, the state, the railways, combative unionism, popular and cultural assemblies, retirees and students, picketing and left-wing organizations. With the presence of the Left Front bench that already denounces the pacts in Congress.
Let’s shout loudly: No layoffs! Down with the Omnibus Law, the DNU and the Milei Plan! For a new national strike and a fight plan!
This Friday, April 12, 5 p.m. We gathered at the Plaza del Congreso and then marched to the Ministry of Labor, Callao headquarters.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com