The Construction Workers’ Union of the Argentine Republic (Uocra) of Neuquén came out to publicly denounce that they already have 500 layoffs in Vaca Muerta and more than 10,000 unemployed due to the stoppage of public works. After Sunday’s elections, and with the victory of Javier Milei, uncertainty grew in Vaca Muerta, since the president confirmed that he wants to end public works.
Likewise today, the national leadership led by Gerardo Martínez, expressed its “deep concern” regarding “the uncertainty caused by the media manifestations of the president-elect, Javier Milei, about the future of public works,” and determined the state of alert of the union organization.
The deputy secretary of Uocra Neuquén, Juan Carlos Levi spoke with RÍO NEGRO RADIO. He reported that yesterday 300 layoffs were notified and that today 200 more were added. He explained that they are from Techint and Loma Campana, from AESA and PECOM.
“Yesterday there were 300 and today I have 200 more for breakfast, the truth is that this worries us because something like this has never happened to us after an election,” Levi explained.
The union leader pointed out that, in previous elections, there was always dialogue and agreement with the companies. “Now there is great uncertainty and companies do not want to take risks,” he said.
For his part, Levi explained that after the elections, “around 10,000 workers are not carrying out their activity because public works are paralyzed.”
In addition, they reported that for them, as representatives of workers in the construction sector, it is a very great concern. “Colleagues trust our leadership, but in any case we are worried, we have to work so that there are no more layoffs.”
«There was always communication with the companies and today it was cut off because no one knows what will happen after December 10. The number is going to increase, at the end of the year we will overcome the barrier of 1,000 colleagues without work,” concluded the Uocra representative.
News in development
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com