The PTS-FITU deputy denounced those from the “dialogue” opposition who were absent from the special session in which the university budget, Fonid and retirement mobility were going to be discussed. He called to mobilize in front of Congress when the Omnibus Law and the fiscal package are discussed. He asked to call a new special session for Monday and demanded that the Chamber discuss as soon as possible and reject DNU 70/2023.
This Wednesday a special session of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation was scheduled to discuss a series of extremely sensitive issues for the majority of the population, such as the emergency of universities, the Teacher Incentive Fund (Fonid) and retirement mobility. .
As expectedweighs a la massive demonstration this Tuesday throughout the country by the educational community in defense of public education, there were entire blocks (such as the ruling party and the PRO) and block parts such as UCR y We make Federal Consensus (which includes Peronists outside of UxPthe Civic Coalition and others) that They decided not to give a quorum.
Several of those absent, demagogically, hours before had taken photos participating in the massive mobilizations. It is the case of Martin Lousteau y Rodrigo de Loredowho this Wednesday decided to shamefully stay “behind the curtains” and not occupy their seats to enable debate on very sensitive issues at a popular level.
Once the special session was frustrated, from different blocks that had shown up to provide a quorum, they took the floor to give their “minority expressions.” There they spoke, among others, Nicolás del Caño, Christian Castillo (both from PTS) y Romina del Pla (AFTER), from the bench of Left Front and Workers Unity.
The most important definitions of Nicolás del Caño
Politics / University / Parliamentary / Socialist Workers Party (PTS) / Deputies / Nicolás del Caño / Retirees / Chamber of Deputies / Pension Mobility Law
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com