On the day of the retired man and woman, Maximo Kirchner He held an event in La Plata and told his militants: “There is no need to be angry about this veto, comrades. The current president was elected by 56% of the votes and the veto is a constitutional power.“. The presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, thanked him for the favor and posted on the social network X that Máximo “saw her.” At the doors of the National Congress, this same Friday they again repressed those who worked all their lives.
It is not strange if we remember that it was Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the one who established that a presidential veto can only be rejected by Congress if it meets the will of the two thirds of a chamber. And she herself used this power – a quasi-monarchical hindrance – to veto the law of 82% mobile for retireesin 2010, when she was president.
Much of Máximo Kirchner’s act consisted of defending his mother’s political performance, particularly under the government she shared with Alberto Fernández. And also justifying his own participation within the government, as a national deputy. “Nothing without Cristina,” said a huge banner displayed in one of the stands.
“What do we mean by reassembling?” -he explained at the end- “Enough of Scioli’s. The frustration of Peronism, which votes for deputies and senators who then go to Congress and turn around, distances us from the people.” The slogan came a little late: they waited since 2015 until Daniel Scioli became an explicit suck-up to Javier Milei’s government. And Sergio Massa, whose like-minded deputies voted for the delivery of the RIGI, the Law of Bases and supported the veto on retirees, was not heard to say the same.
In addition to many justifications, operations to detach themselves from Alberto’s government and Internal chicanery directed at the governor of the province of Buenos Airesthe speech of Maximo Kirchner had a very low bar in terms of militant mysticism. His final slogan was “Be part of the resurrection after this government does what it does”.
Come back from the dead after Milei leaves scorched earth? After all, neither Máximo nor anyone within Peronism wants to break with the IMF. So the government of La Libertad Avanza came to do the dirty work of the adjustment demanded by the international creditors of the scam that Mauricio Macri left us.
Kirchnerists vs. Kicillofists
“It turns out that now Cristina does not have to speak because she overshadows other figures“- was one of the sticks that Máximo Kirchner threw. It also turns out that a few months ago, the public appearances that he makes CFRP They coincide in date with the agenda of events carried out by the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof.
He also said that “it would be good if one day we agreed to vote every four years, because some people live off of campaigns,” in the middle of an event with a clear campaign tone.
Maximo claimed some names: Wado of Pedro, Anabel Fernandez Sagasti y Mayra Mendoza. The latter, mayor of the Buenos Aires town of Quilmes, together with the mayor of Lanús, Julian Alvarezthey faced a fight with the provincial government and the mayor of Avellaneda, Jorge Ferraresi.
“I want my piece,” said both mayors of La Cámpora, and asked for a slice of the billions that are billed around the trade of Dock Sud portlocated in Avellaneda. For his part, Ferraresi accused the Camporists of spreading false information: “The Dock Sud terminal concentrates 31% and not 40% of the container exports of the entire country,” he corrected on the X network. And he launched: “Lies are fought with truths. Governing is assuming the responsibilities that each leader and each militant has with their people. Peronism has to be united and thinking about the people.” Percentages more, percentages less, it is a multimillion-dollar business that was never destined to reverse the structural inequalities that exist in this municipality, nor in the province.
But it is not only the silver of the port that is in dispute, but the succession in power of a Peronism that has been practically orphaned, after the failure of the government of the Frente de Todos. Ferraresi aims to build the presidential candidacy for Axel Kicillof 2027and sees himself governing the province of Buenos Aires. While La Cámpora remains loyal to Máximo Kirchner.
“If you want new songs, I’ll lend you mine“They responded from the podium to the governor. Axel Kicillof.
We made a commitment and we didn’t fulfill it
“The people gave us a warning on November 22nd last year, when we lost 56% to 44%. We made a commitment and we didn’t keep our promises,” acknowledged Máximo Kirchner.
An important part of his speech was directed to try to separate Kirchnerism from Alberto Fernández’s government who, in addition to leaving office with greater poverty, inequality and reduced salaries and income, is now implicated in a case of gender violence against the former first lady.
The darts were for Martin Guzmandue to the agreement reached with the IMF. This agreement was endorsed in the National Congress by a significant number of deputies from the Peronist bloc. Although Máximo Kirchner rejected this agreement, Kirchnerism later lined up behind Sergio Massa as Minister of Economy, who did nothing more than manage the adjustment of the agreement that Guzmán had closed..
At the event itself, Máximo had asked the leaders not to play the victim, and justified Massa’s anti-popular measures in favour of odious debt. “The IMF forced the currency to be devalued by 30% or 40%.”
“The problem is that the person in power made the decisions he made. And Cristina kept telling him no” – was the final summary.
Kirchnerism, in the figure of Máximo, is trying to rebuild its own militancy and consolidate its own power, without being overshadowed by Axel Kicillof’s management in the province of Buenos Aires. To do so, we are witnessing in this event another chapter of the impossible operation to separate itself from the government that they themselves were part of.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com