During the night of Wednesday they were arrested los drivers Jorge Oscar Galiano and Jorge Ezequiel, by order of Judge Luisa María Escrich, head of the Criminal, Misdemeanor and Misdemeanor Court No. 20 in the framework of the investigation opened into the attacks received by the security minister Sergio Berni, on Monday past.
In claim of the “immediate release”decreed a strike on 8 bus lines from the western zone of Greater Buenos Aires, which are the following: 218, 284, 325, 378, 622 and 628 (belonging to the Almafuerte company) and 620 and 328 (belonging to the Nueva Ideal firm).
“In principle, the strike is until midnight today, but it will be ratified in an assembly. There is also an intention for workers from other lines in the area to join,” the union delegate informed him. Salvador Strazzeri a telam. Meanwhile, “The strike is for an indefinite period, until the two comrades are released,” Luis Gomezdriver of line 620 (line to which Daniel Barrientos belonged) also indicated to telam that “the strike is for an indefinite period, until the two comrades are released.”
“They kill a compañero and they arrest us,” says one of the drivers on Daniel Barrientos’ line. How anti-worker do you have to be to raid and arrest workers. All our repudiation of the persecution of drivers
— Christian Castillo (@chipicastillo) April 6, 2023
Relatives and colleagues of the detainees stated that the apprehensions also occurred through violent raids on their homes.
It is worth remembering that Daniel Barrientos, 65 years old, was shot in the chest in an attempted robbery while driving a bus early this Monday morning. From that tragic event, his co-workers were carrying out a stoppage of activities and concentrations.
It is within this framework that the attack on Berni took place, one more expression of the weariness and anger that is lived below in the face of the deepening of the social crisis. As if the scenario were not already critical, to this must be added the attitude of the right (like Bullrich) of wanting to use a demagogic and punitive way to favor a campaign of greater police saturation for repression and social control.
From the Bordó Transport Associationwho maintain that “the solution is not more police or gendarmesbut to demand that companies and the State urgently establish themselves cabs for drivers on all lines. The cut of more than 12 hours yesterday showed that the force is there to fight.
news in development
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com