Nahuel Rodríguez, departmental delegate of UEPC pointed out that “the education and health workers have come from two historic days of strikes and massive actions. These days there were street closures, pickets, traffic lights, zone assemblies that are growing in number and organization This occurred in the capital and in the interior of the province, which shows the enormous willingness to fight for salaries and pensions that do not leave us below the poverty line, for decent working conditions without overload. that we are deploying is huge.”
Huge action of teaching in urban women. We are more than 500 just concentrated at this point. The actions multiplied throughout the city.
We prepare for a great mobilization tomorrow together with the Coordinator #HealthCórdobaUnidad who are also unemployed today! pic.twitter.com/OAjHVDHWp4— Laura Vilches (@VilchesLaura) March 22, 2023
For her part, Julia Gilletta, a thin teacher from the Capital department, expressed that “we are living in a historic moment, because the coordination and organization that we are beginning to have with our health colleagues is also unprecedented. The union leaderships have done everything possible to not to unite our struggles and demands, and from below we managed to impose something that is elementary.If we have the same government paying us misery, making us precarious, paying starvation pensions, how can we not fight together?
This unity is only just beginning, that is why we want to coordinate in the areas of schools, hospitals, patients, students and families to build a provincial strike that consists of all our demands and encourages other workers who are worse off than us to take their own the fight for their rights. We are going to coordinate for a great provincial strike that pulls down the adjustment that the Schiaretti government wants to unload on us “
Teachers and health workers are expected to come together around 10:30 a.m. at the intersection of San Jerónimo and Bv Perón. The column of health personnel leaves from the Sanitary Pole while the teaching will concentrate in Maipú and 25 de Mayo.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com