In view of the growth of the layoffs In the public and private sectors, deputies from different blocks carry out a Public audience in the Auditorium of the Annex of the Lower House, together with workers and unions fighting for the reinstatement of the thousands who in recent months were left on the streets, a product of the Government’s policy Javier Mieliat the service of large business corporations, the IMF.

The following deputies are present:

– Left Front: Monica Schlotthauer, Vanina Biasi, Alejandro Vilca, Nicolas del Caño and Christian Castillo and Myriam Bregman (MC).

– Union for the Homeland: Sergio Palazzo, Mario Manrique, Paula Penacca, Daniel Arroyo, German Martinez, Julia Estrada and Hugo Yasky, among others.

– We make a Federal Coalition: Stephen Paulon.

Within the sector of the workers Representatives of the Posadas Hospital, FATE workers, and various State agencies were present. The following spoke:

– Luis Sucherof the Innsreferred to the importance of fighting against dismissals and achieving reinstatement for all, but also in defense of public health in defense of the working and popular sectors. He reported that next Friday they will carry out a new day of struggle. “We will set up a tent because we must all be united in this fight.”

  • Workers dismissed from Fate“We gave our lives and one day you arrive at the factory and they tell you that you are fired.” Crespo, the general secretary of the union, was also present. SUTNA. He denounced that the balance sheets presented by Madanes (from Fate) to justify the dismissals are irregular. “We workers cannot be the variable of adjustment, they want to break our morale and they will not succeed.”
  • Workers of Aerolineas Argentinas GPS. Luciano Corradithe delegate said that “we have been giving a very big fight for 5 months against the dismissals but also against Milei’s adjustment laws. We achieved unity with other sectors of workers and also students.” He warned at the same time that if there is not “a great unified and forceful measure such as a strike and a great mobilization to stop all these dismissals, isolated and by sector, it is very difficult.”

    From Catamarcathe workers of Textil.comwho have completed 56 days of taking over their factory to protect their 132 jobs. “We were forced to take this measure to defend our jobs that were taken from us. We fight every day without losing hope that the factory can be reactivated and knowing that everything can be achieved through struggle.”

    Worker of Telam“The reopening of Télam confirms that the only way forward is through struggle. The balance is not positive overall because along the way, the government was able to get rid of more than 360 workers who ended up leaving.”

    Workers dismissed from the Secretariat of Human Rights and the Sites of Memory They denounced that “we are 82 fired, in very sensitive areas, such as archives, conservation, archaeology, education, transmission of memory and human rights. Our contracts have been precarious for 10, 15 or 20 years. Government after government has maintained this precariousness.” They also pointed out that “this attack on human rights is because they advance with a denialist discourse. They are emptying the spaces of Memory while the military parade and climb on a tank. They want to prevent the new generations with whom we work from knowing this history. But we are here to defend our jobs and defend that memory.”

    In Communication with Cordobaworkers who face the crisis took the floor emptying of the SRT (Radio and Television Service of the National University of Córdoba)They denounced that “we were 240 workers and today more than 80 have left. With a Crisis Prevention they want only 70 workers to remain. The authorities of the National University of Córdoba promise that the multimedia company will continue to operate. The question is how. With a minimum staff, will it even be enough to fulfill the assigned tasks? What abounds is uncertainty among the workers.”

    Fabian Catanzaro, from the road workers, He said that “we have had more than 400 layoffs. Among those layoffs is the only driver in Bariloche. We are making a great effort to continue operating, to guarantee connectivity in the country. Stopping public works also means stopping maintenance.”

    Workers dismissed from the Ministry of Labor They complained that “we have fallen into hell. There is nothing outside, we are not having a good time. We have sick families who need medicine, who depend on us.” They also said “we know that we are against a guy who thinks we are just numbers. We are people who need to work.”

    Farewell to Chubut National Highway Authoritywho connected via Zoom, denounced that “there are 145 of us who are under contract and who are left without work. Here, with the winter, we are essential for the maintenance of the roads.”

    ENACOM Neuquén workerswho also connected virtually, denounced that “there are 18 of us workers in the province and around 300 in the whole country who are affected by the closure of the provincial delegations. We had been working for 10 or 20 years. Even A colleague had 38 years of service”.

    From the Inti they reported that “the situation is critical. The authorities and the Government want to eliminate 30% of the staff. This means 900 workers throughout the country. These are entire families left without support. To confront a government like this and achieve workers’ unity, a 36-hour active strike is needed.“It is key to putting the entire labor movement on the streets.”

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