Espínola, Vigo, Snopek, Catalfamo and Kueider formed a new bloc in the Senate.

This time the rupture in the Senate of the interblock of the Frente de Todos had other reasons. Unlike the fictitious separation to try for one more position in the Council of the Magistracy (which continues to be disputed and prosecuted), the announcement of this Wednesday expressed distancing from the government by Alberto Fernandez.

William Snopek (Jujuy), Maria Eugenia Catalfamo (San Luis), Edgardo Kueider (Entre Rios) and Carlos “Camau” Espinola (Corrientes) They slammed the door of the Frente de Todos interblock in the Senate. They joined the opposition from Córdoba, Alejandra Vigo that answers to the governor Juan Schiaretti, and formed a new block of five members: federal unit.

In the case of Snopek and Catalfamo, they were part of the block led by Christian Juliana Di Tullio (Citizen Unity). Both had cast their negative votes when the agreement with the IMF became law, knowing that its approval was guaranteed. As recognized by a senator from her space who was part of the list of rejections “if my vote was decisive, I voted in favor.”

On the side of Espínola and Kueider, they were part of the bloc of the recently reinstated José Mayans (National and Popular Front) after his hospitalization due to health problems. They were among the most active senators in defending the agreement with the IMF that the government proposed and continues to deepen the adjustment against majorities.

The news was not a surprise, but it comes to add one more stain to the weakness of the government, and in “the house” chaired by Cristina Fernández. Although Snopek from Jujuy was in charge of clarifying, through a letter addressed to the vice president, that his differences are with President Alberto Fernández, the wound also splashes the head of the Senate. In the letter she talks about the increasing distance from him regarding the direction of the president’s management “far from the priorities that our people demand”. In his letter, he includes criticism of the situation in Jujuy led by radicalism, where he describes a “carnival of arrests at the request of Governor Gerardo Morales, in order to discipline and intimidate the opposition on the eve of the electoral campaign”. The truth is that persecution in that province is not new: the criminalization of protest and social organizations is a registered trademark. Although it is not exclusive to the opposition coalition.

After more than 3 years of government of the Frente de Todos, worsening living conditions for the majorities, the differences in the Senate with the “management course” appear on the brink of the end of the mandate and with the new provincial and national elections on the heels. The data that depicts the social fracture, such as the greater transfer of income to the most concentrated economic power at the expense of the workers (even worse than with Macri), have been known for a long time. The rupture that is consummated now, was not motivated by “this part” of the management.

How is the Senate?

the brand new block “Federal Unity” had its premiere this Thursday when the Upper House held the preparatory session where it ratified the same authorities of the ruling party and the opposition. Jujuy’s Snopek, who chairs it, took the floor towards the end of the brief session, and after reporting the new conformation, claimed that “this Senate returns to deal with issues of consensus” and recover “federalism”. The vice president of the block is Vigo, the Cordoba senator who was already in the opposition representing Governor Schiaretti. The “agenda” that the block of 5 are demanding focuses on the problem of electricity and transportation rates.

Cristina Fernández was absent from the vote of authorities, and will only reappear in Congress with the opening of the Legislative Assembly next Wednesday, March 1. He will be by the president’s side as he delivers his usual opening address to regular sessions.

Until the break, the ruling party in the Senate had the most numerous interblock of 35, and reached a quorum of 37 with allies: Weretilneck (Rio Negro), Solari Quintana (Misiones) and the former “cambiemita” Vega (La Rioja).

From now on, with 31 members in its interblock, it gave first place to Together for Change, which has 33 senators.. To get to whose, his 3 usual allies are no longer enough, and the ruling party will be obliged to agree with “Federal Unity” if it intends to hold a session. Together for Change could do the same: if it managed to line up at least 4 Federal Unity on some occasion. Kueider from Entre Ríos clarified that “We do not seek to become opposition”. Time will tell if that definition endures.

reading the numbers it changes a bit if you sort by the blocksdata not less for the ruling party in its dispute over the Judicial Council. The “National and Popular Front” (Mayans) continues to represent, although scratching, the first minority (19). It is followed by the UCR (Naidenoff) with the second minority (18), and “Unidad Ciudadana” (Di Tullio) with the third (12). Gone is the PRO (Schiavoni) with 9 members, which continues to claim third place for Luis Juez to enter the Judicial Council (disputed with Doñate from “Unidad Ciudadana”).

Are there any reasons?

The Frente de Todos is going through the discount time of its mandate in the Casa Rosada, and it flies over a characteristic: failure. Especially seen from those who live on a salary, a retirement or social assistance. Most. Inflation collapses any purchasing power, but some more than others. Although after the arrival of Sergio Massa to Economy, all the wings of the Frente de Todos closed ranks with their “recharged adjustment”, the same does not happen with those who saw their expectations of improving their situation frustrated with the current government coalition after the disaster of Macri.

The breakdown of the Senate is outlined by this context, pushing the provincial Peronisms to separate from the executive to try to protect their territorial power. From the flight of ministers to his territories (Juan Manzur or Juan Zabaleta), to the electoral unfolding in many provinces, they confirm it. The four provinces involved in the rupture are not a coincidence either: yellow colors them on the map.

In Jujuy Not only is the radical from Together for Change, Gerardo Morales, ruling, but Peronism does not overcome its fragmentation. In 2021 there were 6 different lists, and the one supported by Snopek reached just 1.3%. For some months now, the senator who now presides over “Federal Unity” has been part of a new armed group that combines sectors with more sympathy for the vice president to Massistas like her cousin Alejandro Snopeck (who was a member of the Frente Cambia Jujuy until 2019). In opposition to these traditional alternatives, the left front It has been emerging in the province and it was demonstrated with the 25% obtained by deputy Alejandro Vilca (PTS), a waste collection worker.

currents It is also governed by radicalism (Gustavo Valdés), although Senator Espínola, who is part of the rupture in the Senate, has his seat guaranteed for 5 more years (which he obtained thanks to the agreement of Alberto and Cristina) and does not risk anything in the future. immediate.

Alberto Rodríguez Saá, Governor of saint Louisis identified as one of the architects of the break with his Cordovan counterpart Juan Schiaretti. The leaders met in January. The San Luis seeks to retain his province, but it will be with another name on the ballot because he can no longer re-elect. The electoral history pushes him to separate from the Frente de Todos. In 2019, his province was one of the 6 where he won the Macri formula (45%). In the 2021 legislative elections, the opposition Poggi, who is a member of the Juntos por el Cambio en Diputados interblock, took first place from him.

With this announcement, Schiaretti goes a step further in his desire to unite around him a “federal peronism”. If it wins “political volume” as an electoral offer, Together for Change will have reason to worry, since that Cordovan Peronism has a yellow palate and feeds on its space. For this reason, some interpret that it may be “good news” for the Frente de Todos. But the counterpart is still a drain on their own ranks that weakens them if they want to continue in the presidential race.

Senator Kueider responds to the pro-government governor of Between rivers who is in a similar situation. His province is on the list where Macri won the last presidential election. This year the Frente de Todos fights for the governorship with Rogelio Frigerio of Together for Change, who already won in the 2021 legislative elections.

Eyes are also on Santa Fe and Governor Omar Perotti From the Front of All. Although from their space they did not announce any rupture, they have been sending signals of distancing with the national ruling party. Deputy Roberto Mirabella he made his own. In December he was absent from a session expressing his discomfort and adding to the emptying of the venue that Juntos por el Cambio did. And the same Wednesday that the rupture of the Senate was known, Mirabella was shown with the mayor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora (schiarettista).

He Territorial refuge is for survival in an empty-handed Peronism. At the same time, without Cristina Fernández playing as a candidate, the dream of a “federal Peronism” that try a national electoral offer “outside the crack”. The dispute over the leadership or leadership of the PJ is open, and with no easy solutions in sight. A form of “internal warfare” that also exercises Together for Change. Behind the dance of these names, blocks, lists, or ruptures, is the total absence of programs or projects that take the country out of decadence and dependency that continues to sink the working majorities.


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