The conflict between Israel and Palestine is of first order for all the oppressed in the world. We interviewed Ilan Pappé and Norman Finkelstein, two renowned intellectuals of Jewish origin and with a long anti-Zionist career.
We republish this episode of the show International Keys released on September 5, 2020, which sheds light on the historical context and general framework in which Israel’s current escalation of war on the Gaza Strip occurs.
One of the most important conflicts on the planet, which has taken place since the end of the Second World War and continues to this day, is the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Since its origin, the interests of the State of Israel have been deeply intertwined with those of US imperialism. The struggle of the Palestinian people is a just cause, and the development of this conflict is a matter of first order for all the oppressed in the world.
Therefore, in this International Keys We discuss it in depth together with two renowned intellectuals of Jewish origin and with a long anti-Zionist career:
- Ilan Pappé, Israeli historian and director of the European Center for Palestinian Studies at the University of Exeter in England. Author of numerous books, including “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” and “History of Modern Palestine”
- Norman Finkelstein, doctor in political science, teacher, author specialized in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Judaism and Zionism. Author of the book “The Holocaust Industry,” he was banned from entering Israel for 10 years.
Keys is a program to understand, with analysis, interviews and information, the world we are living in the midst of the pandemic and the one that will come in the next period.
International / United States / Spanish State Edition / Palestine / Israel / Genocide / Imperialism / Colonialism / Mexico Edition / Embassy of Israel / #ResistePalestina / Ilan Pappé / Norman Finkelstein / Ethnic Cleansing
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com