Between Monday night and Tuesday, hundreds of workers were notified of layoffs, some with more than 15 years of service. Milei’s policies advance against the workers, emptying sectors of the State, but they resist at the entrances of the buildings where they work.

In front of Chainsaw Planthis Tuesday a day of struggle was organized for workers of public organizations.

There was a concentration in the Ministry of Economy, called by several Internal Boards, and another in Family Agriculture, called by national ATE. There were also noises in places such as Labor, Justice, Social Development and Anses.

At the Ministry of Labor, a massive Ruidazo was held in the central building, which dawned with a flag with the slogan: “No to layoffs. Families in the street, Never Again”.

Workers from the former Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Justice also demonstrated in the street.

Leo Améndola, delegate of ATE Trabajo, and members of Marrón Clasista, raising the need for a national strike and coordinating with other sectors.

Ate Nacional mobilized the Ministry of Family Agriculture and then went to the Ministry of Economy, where Ate Caba also convened. In this department, the Internal Board called for concentration, given the news of the layoffs between Monday and Tuesday.

The actions were not focused only on Caba and, for example, Anses offices throughout the country were the center of different calls.



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