The leader Christian Castillo, of the PTS in the Left Front – Unity, discussed on Crónica TV about the main debates left behind by Cristina Kirchner’s speech in La Plata. There he developed his contradictions and the perspective for the left.

Interviewed by Crónica TV, Christian Castillo stated that Cristina Kirchner had “a bit of amnesia, because in the 90’s, which she stigmatized and denounced correctly, she was a pro-government party and praised Cavallo and was part of Menemism. Even in the Assembly Constituent of the year 93 ‘celebrated convertibility”.

  • “If one sees all the disaster that has occurred in the national economy since the dictatorship here, it has not been for confronting the IMF, but for doing everything the IMF wanted to do. That led to Alfonsín’s hyperinflation, to bankruptcy of the year 2001”.
  • “I remembered the debates a year ago and currencies, when the agreement with the IMF was discussed, and that the agreement was inflationary, who said so? The Left Front, and all the rest told us that this was what The only thing that could be done. The Minister of Economy Sergio Massa, who Cristina favorably praises today, was the guarantor of this inflationary agreement.”
  • “All that she pointed out that there are four living who were left with the growth is happening in a government of which she is vice president and that she appointed. She cannot blame anyone for having appointed Alberto Fernández as President.”
  • “He tries to convince us that they are the brake on the right, but one sees these three years of government and what they have led to is the growth of the right.”
  • “Argentina had and has all the conditions to stand up in a different way (in front of the IMF) and say: we are not going to pay this debt, it is a hateful debt and stop them from continuing to fleece us.”
  • “Cristina defended capitalism as the only possible path. It is a capitalism that is sinking the planet, that is leaving the working class without a future. The system in which we live is a system that has reduced all rights, today the youth works without bonus, without vacations… and in capitalism they want to go for more”.
  • “If humanity has a future it will be socialist and if not we will go down a slope as we are now of warfare, destruction of the planet, destruction of living conditions and growth of inequality.”
  • Politics / IMF / Cristina Fernández de Kirchner / Left and Workers’ Front – Unity (FITU)


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