“What must prevail is equality before the law. At 70 years of age, people who are convicted of any crime, whether robbery, homicide or whatever, can be released. There are cases of people detained for crimes against humanity who are 90 years old with terrible illnesses in prison. One thing is to serve a sentence and another is to force someone to serve a sentence with terminal cancer in a prison,” said Patricia Bullrich in Cuyo lands.
A statement that comes after the extensive repudiation that national deputies generated when they visited those convicted of crimes against humanity in the Ezeiza prison. Regarding this, the minister said that it was not a claim. “It is not a claim. Those who went have another version. They were in a pavilion and in that pavilion were these detainees. Beyond this, there is no prohibition to go. She also said that she agrees if the deputies “have a different reading of the past and want to turn the page.” Therefore, she stated that “there is no single thought, since freedom is not saying that there are 30,0000 missing people and if I do not think the same, it is wrong.”
Photo of the LLA deputies with the genocidaires who TODAY do not say where the bodies of our relatives are, whom they tortured, murdered and made disappear, like my parents and my uncles. With our struggle we managed to condemn them and with our struggle we will prevent their impunity. pic.twitter.com/rSyPMpB9f0
— Alejandrina Barry (@Barry__Ale) August 6, 2024
To talk about interpretations or opinions is to trivialize what happened during the last civil-military dictatorship. 30,000 missing people, more than 600 babies born in captivity who were stolen, the more than 800 clandestine centers where workers and youth fighters were tortured and murdered, is not a matter of opinion. There is no double interpretation, it is only one: it was a class genocide and they are crimes against humanity.
Regarding these reprehensible visits to genocidaires, Bullrich stated that the government is considering granting them house arrest. In an interview, Cúneo Libarona said: “savage” that there are 300 80-year-old repressors in prison and sick who “could very well be in other conditions of detention.” The Minister of Justice added that “I think we are affecting the criteria of humanity of the sentences, we are affecting the criteria of dignity. And this has no longer become justice, but rather it is turning into revenge,” he affirmed.
For her part, Patricia Bullrich assured that “the law must be equal for everyone” and did not reject the idea of dictating house arrest for those detained for crimes against humanity. What the minister does not say is that the rights she claims for the genocide perpetrators, they already have. Since 2021, the number of people at liberty is more than double that of those detained. Among those who are deprived of liberty, 508 were granted house arrest, while 91 remain in penitentiary establishments and 62 are in other types of facilities.
While ordinary prisoners with serious illnesses do not have the right to spend their final years under house arrest, the genocidaires manage to “draw” their illnesses in order to “serve” their sentences in their million-dollar houses. Many of them were seen walking the streets.
The Ministers of Security and Justice resort to a “pious” argument, such as age. Again, what none of them say is that the genocidaires enjoyed the impunity that radical and Peronist governments granted them for more than two decades. When the impunity laws were repealed in 2006, trials began to take place very slowly. This is why many of these criminals died with impunity. They enjoyed what relatives and human rights activists call: biological impunity.
In addition, most of them had another privilege: they remained in the comfort of their homes while the proceedings, which were too long, were carried out. They remained free and were not arrested until the sentence was final. Furthermore, even the convicted persons who were detained continue to commit crimes because they remain silent about the whereabouts of the missing persons, to whom they gave the appropriated children who continue to have false identities. Meanwhile, the prisons are full of common prisoners without a sentence.
The struggle for memory, truth and justice continues. This was demonstrated by the massive popular mobilization against the attempt to give the 2×1 to the genocides during the years in which Macri governed. Also by the extensive repudiation generated by the visits of the deputies to the genocides.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com