Salmon sushi is a variety of sushi that is made with sushi rice and...
Make a very healthy and tasty spinach and ricotta omelette for your lunch!
Canjica is a traditional Brazilian recipe made with boiled and ground white corn, milk...
Açaí in the bowl is a typical recipe from the North and Northeast of...
Escondidinho de carne seca is a traditional Brazilian dish made with shredded dried meat,...
Here is a basic Beans and Rice recipe for you to follow and make:
Lomo saltado is a traditional Peruvian dish that is usually made with beef (lomo)...
Make a tuna salad with olives and tomatoes for lunch and dinner!
Meat empanadas are a typical recipe from Uruguay and other Latin American countries.
Alfajores are a typical sweet from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Peru, they are composed...
This is a basic recipe for provoleta, which is a traditional way to prepare...
The recipe for Argentinean empanadas varies slightly by region, but the following is a...
Make a Chicken Curry to eat for lunch and dinner!
Make this wonderful Pork Chops with Barbecue Sauce for your lunch and dinner!
Here is a simple chocolate and coconut mousse recipe that might interest you:
Make this Strawberry Pavlova that is delicious to serve as dessert!
Make Macaroni Cheese, also known as Mac & Cheese, widely consumed in the United...
A Cheese and Tomato Quiche is great for the weekend. Check out a simple and...
Replace bread at breakfast or lunch time with these wheat-free cornstarch cookies, fluffy and...
Baked Potatoes with Rosemary and Thyme is a recipe for baked potatoes seasoned with...
Natural and full of nutrients, this orange carrot and spinach juice has a delicious...
Check out this delicious corn cake recipe with condensed milk for a super tasty...
The roasted vegetable pie is a recipe consisting of a dish made with wheat...
Made without wheat flour, this skillet bread is a great option for a quick...
Banana tea is a source of various nutrients and health benefits, such as antioxidant...
This Chicken Fajitas recipe is great for your weekend lunch and dinner.
Your day-to-day life deserves a tasty and easy-to-make snack like this super practical banana...
How about a dessert that is not only practical but also delicious? Check out this...
Make Mexican Burritos That Look Just Like Mexico!
Quench your thirst with a lot of flavor and boost your health with this...
Who can resist a well-made condensed milk pudding, right? Check out this super practical version...
Here is an easy and delicious recipe for you to try:
This spaghetti with tuna is such an easy and delicious recipe that you will...
Learn how to make a tasty and fluffy canned corn cake without a mistake!
This baked banana muffin is proof that a simple recipe can be wonderful!
Tortilla de Patatas, also known as potato tortilla, is a typical Spanish dish made...
Made with just 2 ingredients, this quick pineapple dessert has an irresistibly creamy texture!
Innovate at snack time with this practical, delicious stuffed biscuit cake that everyone will...
Whether it’s for a visit at home, or for you and your family to...
These delicious apple cookies are very simple to prepare and are perfect for a...
You need to try this irresistible cheese ball recipe, practical and with an addictive...
This practical and delicious creamy bombocado cake is to make anyone fall in love!
Tasty and super practical, this pineapple juice with mango offers several health benefits and...
Looking for a tasty, easy-to-make dessert that everyone will love? Try this creamy cold platter!
Whether to cover cakes, pies or any other dessert, this Leite Ninho topping is...
Learn how to make this amazing sweet potato cake for an easy and delicious...
Yogurt pudding is a delicious and easy-to-make dessert. It is made with natural yogurt, eggs,...