“This is how the government responds to the critical social situation and the complaints, it does not send food to the canteens, it sends police to those who report it,” said the deputies and leaders of the PTS in the Left Front. They demand a “national strike and plan of struggle” from the union centers.

This Monday the response of the government of Javier Milei and Patricia Bullrich to those who demand food for soup kitchens is repression at any cost.

Within the framework of the national day of struggle called by dozens of social organizations, the PTS deputies in the Left Front Nicolás del Caño and Myriam Bregman were present along with other political leaders in the vicinity of the Pueyrredón Bridge, where the Ministry of National security entered Buenos Aires territory to repress the mobilization.

The Naval Prefecture, the Federal Police and the Airport Security Police advanced on the mobilization, provoked the organizations and then advanced by throwing pepper spray. Among those affected were several journalists and cameramen who were covering the events.

Bregman and Del Caño immediately repudiated the repression and called on the union centers to rise to the occasion and call for a new national strike as the beginning of a plan of struggle until the adjustment and looting plans of La Freedom Advances.

“This is how the government responds to the critical social situation and the complaints, it does not send food to the soup kitchens, it sends police to those who report it,” said Myriam Bregman from the scene through the social network. X.

For his part, Del Caño repudiated “the repression of social movements by the City Police and federal forces. They cut food to soup kitchens and social programs in the midst of a brutal adjustment. The only response to popular demands is sticks. National Strike and fight plan.

Politics / Democratic Freedoms / Nicolás del Caño / Myriam Bregman / Patricia Bullrich / Anti-picket protocol / Hunger / Piquetero movement / Piquetera Unit / Public Order Protocol

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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