During an official visit to Beijing, the special advisor to the Brazilian Presidency and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Celso Amorim, signed a cooperation proposal with China aimed at resolving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
The proposal, the result of discussions between Amorim and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, marks the first time that China has committed to a document of this type on the Ukrainian crisis.
The two countries expressed support for the organization of an international peace conference, conditional on the recognition and equal participation of all parties involved in the conflict, including Russia and Ukraine.
“Both parties believe that dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the crisis in Ukraine. All relevant actors must create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue and promote de-escalation of the situation until a comprehensive ceasefire is reached,” the proposal states.
Additionally, Brazil and China proposed a ban on the use of weapons of mass destruction, with special emphasis on preventing nuclear proliferation and avoiding a nuclear crisis.
The proposal also emphasizes the importance of rejecting attacks against nuclear facilities and complying with the Nuclear Safety Convention to avoid accidents.
The joint resolution also draws attention to the need to avoid dividing the world into isolated political or economic blocs, promoting efforts to strengthen international cooperation in areas such as energy, finance, trade, food security and critical infrastructure.
This is Amorim’s second international trip this year, highlighting his role in global discussions on critical topics, such as the situation in Venezuela.
Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/05/24/brasil-e-china-propoem-conferencia-internacional-de-paz-para-ucrania-e-russia/