The Minister of Justice, Félix Bolaños, has contacted the Deputy Secretary of Institutional Affairs of the PP, Esteban González Pons, to resume the negotiation on the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), which has been pending for more than five years. years. Government sources explain that the head of Justice has proposed a meeting for this Friday, although the Executive is still waiting for the response from Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s party.

The contact, which occurred through a message, took place shortly after the ultimatum issued by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. In an interview on TVE, the head of the Executive has assured that if on June 30 there is no agreement between the two main parties to unblock the governing body of the judges, the Government will definitively consider the negotiations broken and will promote its own reform . “At the end of June the time for negotiation will be over and the PSOE, Sumar and Congress will present a proposal to end this unacceptable situation,” he said.

The response of the PP has come from the Deputy Secretary of Institutional Affairs of the PP, Esteban González Pons, who has requested the intermediation of the European Vice President, Věra Jourová, for the attempt to unblock the CGPJ requested by Sánchez. As reported by the PP, Pons has addressed the Commission “to inform it of the President of the Government’s attempt to destabilize the negotiation held with the PP and with the supervision of the Community Government to improve the judicial model of our country.”

“Given the ultimatum and blackmail verbalized today by Pedro Sánchez, González Pons has urgently requested a three-way meeting. We are waiting for the response from the vice president of the Commission,” says the PP in a message sent to journalists.

This same afternoon, the Minister of Justice contacted Vice President Jourová to convey his willingness to hold a meeting with the PP to resume negotiations to unblock the renewal of the CGPJ this coming Friday in Madrid. In case the European Commissioner could not travel, Félix Bolaños has also proposed an alternative meeting in Brussels for next week.

Sánchez has not specified the content of this reform, on which the Ministry of Justice has been working for months, but he has outlined the main lines of his proposal. “The perverse incentive that the PP has to block is the power that that institution has to appoint judges who go to the Supreme Court or the higher courts of justice. We should review that faculty to make it more objective and more transparent and less politicized,” he stated.

In addition, the president also announced in Congress this Wednesday that he will promote a package of democratic regeneration measures before the end of June. “I have many flaws, many, but I speak clearly and say one thing: I do. I set out to present a package of democratic quality before the end of the summer and I am going to present that package before the end of the summer,” he said in response to the demand of the ERC spokesperson, Gabriel Rufián, who had demanded brave policies to ” the improvement of people’s lives” in the face of the advance of the extreme right.

Sánchez has not given more details, for the moment, about the content of those reforms that he already committed when he decided to remain at the head of the Executive after five days of reflection, although the Ministry of Justice has been working for months on the search for alternatives to the unblocking of the Judiciary in the face of obstruction of the renewal by the PP.

Yes, he has indicated, in economic matters, that his Executive’s idea is to maintain the VAT reduction on basic food products beyond June 30, the date on which the measure expires. “The Council of Ministers will have to raise it, but I think it is an effort that we must make,” he said.

During the hand-to-hand combat with the opposition, the echo of the European elections has still reverberated within the walls of Congress. In the Government control session, the leader of the PP has insisted on the same idea that his party has been repeating since the election night, that a victory by two seats is enough, in his opinion, to call it a day. the legislature. “Leave it now, be responsible. “Do not prolong what is unviable, this is no longer enough,” Alberto Núñez Feijóo snapped at the president.

In his response, Pedro Sánchez has also influenced the PSOE’s argument regarding the reading of the 9J results. That is, holding Feijóo responsible for the ultra advance in Spain for supporting the “mud” speech. “What he has done with his polarization, having become the spokesperson for a far-right association like Clean Hands, is that there are now two far-right parties, not one. And that is a responsibility that you have as a consequence of polarization and your far-right discourse. What is going to happen in three years when there are general elections is that three far-right parties will appear. And we are going to beat you, Abascal and Alvise. At three,” the president predicted.

Sánchez has congratulated the opposition leader for his victory in Sunday’s elections in an ironic way and regarding his weakness as head of the popular party. “Congratulations on the results, your team is going to let you continue at the front.” And he has asked for patience to face a long term despite his demands for early elections. “He’s going to be a little long.”

In his turn to speak, Feijóo has once again drawn a dark panorama around the Government of Pedro Sánchez, which he has described as paralyzed. “I told him at his inauguration that he was making a mistake. This is a paralyzed government, cornered by several cases of alleged corruption. His partners fail and those who keep him going begin to abandon him. So far this term, my party has managed to process more laws from the opposition than you have from the government. Nobody from his party dares to tell him but they think about it,” said the PP leader.

Feijóo has also launched a whole string of calamities that from his point of view threaten Pedro Sánchez, among which he has once again mentioned his partner and his brother, although not expressly. “Since his defeat on Sunday we have been aware of the manipulation of the CIS, of the request from Justice to let them work in peace, that the application of the amnesty is not going to be a piece of cake, that he has defrauded the Catalans, that another person from his inner circle is once again under investigation and that he has a vice president who has resigned a little. And it’s still Wednesday!

“When you ask for elections every day, you are revealing your weakness and needing whatever happens now to stay in power. That is the situation of Mr. Feijóo and you, Mr. Bravo,” María Jesús Montero then responded to the economic head of the PP.

Juan Bravo had previously reproached him for the economic data, from unemployment to inflation. Montero replied that “it is measured who a Government is on, especially when it manages a crisis.” And he continued: “You managed the previous crisis based on cuts, putting the effort on the backs of the workers, with job insecurity, facilitating dismissal, leaving people in the lurch.”

“We have protected, we have created the minimum income, ERTE, self-employed benefits, aid to SMEs, public investment to be tractors, lowered the VAT on food and the electricity bill. Two ways to manage the crisis, we defend the working class,” she concluded.

Sánchez asks Rufián to facilitate a Government in Catalonia

At one point in the exchange with Rufián, Sánchez asked the Republican group for an understanding for a government in Catalonia, after the victory of the PSC candidate, Salvador Illa, in the May 12 elections. “Hopefully we can understand each other in Catalonia because it is worth it that we can form transversal governments where social progress and coexistence take precedence over other interests,” he told him after evaluating the association between his Government in the State and ERC in the Congress of Deputies. to take social measures forward in the last six years.

Moments before, Sánchez had pointed out the inconsistency of criticizing Junts in the Lower House and then facilitating the presidency of the Parliament, as happened this Monday with his vote in favor of Josep Rull, the post-convegent candidate. “It would be very easy for me to tell you that after the vote of the Parliamentary Board making Junts president of the Parliament of Catalonia, it is somewhat contradictory to its desire for understanding with the progressive forces in this Congress,” he said.

Rufián has also asked citizens for fewer letters. “They have the BOE,” he reminded her. Do you want to put an end to the mud machinery? Proposals. Let’s vote here tomorrow: CGPJ members; We veto private companies that have collaborated with the mud machine in public procurement; Let’s increase fines for pursuing defamation and lying, from 14,000 to 150,000 euros. Let’s do it, if they complain about something it will be. Other than sending letters, I can assure you that people care zero about all of this. Let’s improve their living conditions because when the left does not create better living places, the right creates caves and people enter,” she warned.

It is then that Sánchez has committed to implementing that “democratic quality” agenda. “This Government has before it an agenda to fight and reduce extraordinary inequality. The housing problem, the problems of accessing housing. But I believe that this minority government has achieved things that are absolutely unprecedented and that are valued outside of Spain: labor reform, pension reform, educational reform. These are all policies that are allowing us to grow and reduce unemployment,” he also boasted.


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