The Buenos Aires Minister of Security is once again in the spotlight after being beaten by drivers in a protest for the crime of a bus driver. He has also been repudiated for repressing workers, homeless people and for the disappearance of Facundo Castro.
This Monday, Sergio Berni it is news for having been beaten by drivers of line 620 who protested the crime Daniel Barrientos. The anger broke out, because the appearance of the Buenos Aires Minister of Security together with the Minister of Transportation Jorge D’Onofriowas experienced as a provocation and an attempt to “figure”, in the midst of pain over the death of his partner.
It may interest you: Drivers beat Berni in the middle of a protest against the crime of a colleague
It may interest you: Drivers beat Berni in the middle of a protest against the crime of a colleague
Los workers were repressed by the infantry corps of the City police. According to Samuel Rodríguez, one of Barrientos’s companions, several drivers were taken away by SAME, after the repression.
City Police harshly and cowardly represses drivers who were protesting the crime of a colleague. It is clear: the Police cannot “take care” of the workers, only repress them pic.twitter.com/v1bPcsAbMN
– The Daily Left (@izquierdadiario) April 3, 2023
Neither police nor gendarmes: booths now
After what happened, the Classist Grouping Movement (MAC) demanded that the UTA assemblies in all companies and national strike. they pose “no police, no gendarmes: booths already“. They explain that in this way they could protect themselves and affirm that they are “the only means of transport in which the driver is not isolated from the passenger”.
In turn, they question that the demand for “more security” promoted by the union, “from the Government is responded with more police on the streets and more patrolling, but that it does not serve to avoid tragedies like the one that ended the life of Barrientos” .
Berni, a repressor many times repudiated
The extensive record of repudiations that weighs on Sergio Berni has to do with his role as a repressor in various worker and popular conflicts, also to bus drivers, and even in the case of the disappearance followed by death of the young Facundo Astudillo Castro.
The government of Axel Kicillof and Kirchnerism, decided to bank him in each of the scandals in which he was involved. Also during the presidency of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchnercon Daniel Scioli in the position that Kicillof occupies today.
- Repression of line 60 drivers. In July 2015, Sergio Berni commanded a repression of bus drivers, while he was Secretary of National Security during the government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. The drivers demanded the reinstatement of more than 50 unfairly dismissed colleagues. On this occasion, the leadership of the UTA sided with the gendarmerie, the government and the company.
- Disappearance and death of Facundo Astudillo Castro. On April 30, 2020, he disappeared after being detained by the Buenos Aires police in the town of Mayor Buratovich, during quarantine. Four months later, he is found dead. Sergio Berni actively participated and had media appearances, to try to take off the forces of his force, from the young man’s crime.
- Eviction of homeless women and children in Guernica. On October 29, 2020, a brutal repression with rubber bullets begins, commanded by Sergio Berni, against thousands of families who were fighting for a little piece of land to live in, in the town of Guernica. They set fire to the booths and ran over them with bumps, destroying the few belongings of the families. the order was endorsed by Governor Axel Kicillof.
- Repression of LEAR workers and carancho gendarme. In 2014, under the CFK government, Sergio Berni commanded repressions with rubber bullets, gas and shovels against the LEAR workers, together with solidarity organizations, among whom they also violated the returned granddaughter, Victoria Moyano. In one of the operations, the commander of the gendarmerie Juan López Torales, pretended to be hit by a car, to justify the start of the repression. On this occasion, the SMATA he also turned his back on metalworkers.
- American Indian Park Murders. In 2010, a joint operation between the Buenos Aires police and the then metropolitan police promoted a brutal eviction of homeless families in the Indoamericano Park. Sergio Berni participated in this operation that resulted in three people being killed by bullets: the families of Bernardo Salgueiro and Rosmary Chura Puña continue to demand justice.
These are just some of the cases. In his record, Sergio Berni also illegally infiltrated among mining workers during the Río Turbio strike in 1994. Nestor Kirchner, at that time the governor of Santa Cruz, had appointed him director of a hospital in the province. In this way, Berni offered himself as a volunteer to supervise the health of the miners, but in truth he was doing espionage tasks.
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Sergio Berni in the operation to evict the families of Guernica
Politics / Sergio Berni / UTA / Line 60 / Guernica
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com