The American ideologue of the global ultra-right, Steve Bannon, defended the deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL) as the successor of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and stated that the return of the former captain to Brazil, scheduled for next Thursday (30), will be amazing”. The information was released by Folha de S.Paulo after conducting an interview with Bannon. The right-wing radical, during the interview, again repeated the false allegations of fraud in the elections and stated that the future of the populist right in the world is connected.
Folha: Right-wing presidents in the United States and Brazil lost their re-election campaigns. My first question is…
Bannon: I disagree, I don’t think they lost. Trump didn’t lose in 2020 and Bolsonaro certainly didn’t lose in Brazil [não há indícios de fraude e as eleições nos dois casos foram consideradas limpas e justas].
Based on what Mr. say this?
Lula has little popular support and you can tell by the amount of people who protested against the elections. It is obvious that there was theft in Brazil and it was probably more scandalous than with Trump. But that won’t matter. Trump will come back in 2024 and Bolsonaro will come back, so it will be a good lesson to show people how easily institutions can be corrupted against the will of the people.(…)
Was it a bad strategy?
My recommendation would be that he didn’t leave, but he did, he came to the US, he went to the CPAC [conferência da direita trumpista em Washington], gave a historic speech and moved the audience incredibly. And I think it will come back [ao Brasil] and it’s going to be amazing, he’s going to be re-elected president. I hope Lula doesn’t destroy Brazil’s economy by then.
How often does Mr. talk to the Bolsonaro family?
I don’t want to say how often exactly, but I’m very close with Eduardo. He will be the president of Brazil one day.
How connected is the global right today?
This is one of the reasons why I dedicate myself so much to Europe, to Japan, I talk to pro-democracy groups in China, which is my main job today, we did the CPAC in Mexico. I dedicate myself so much to Brazil because we are very connected.(…)
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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/bannon-defende-eduardo-como-sucessor-de-bolsonaro-e-acusa-fraude-nas-eleicoes-no-brasil/