“Let’s open our eyes. The social base of the PSOE has changed. It is no longer the equality that they have used so much. We do not realize it, we appeal in an inexperienced way to a party whose principles have vanished, some supposed socialist values no longer exist. The old guard is battered. They have made a monster that no longer responds to its owner, to its creator. This is how the president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, criticized this Thursday the attempts of her leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to agree with Pedro Sánchez, whom she begged yesterday to make her president for two years.
Feijóo unloads the fiasco of his investiture on the king and the president of Congress
In a speech delivered this morning in Collado Villalba at the beginning of the political course of the PP in Madrid, and before the senior staff of the national party and its president, Ayuso has made a closed defense of his policies, not always coinciding with those of his boss. “Defending good and necessary causes every day is a very hard task, an arduous task, a very hard one,” he assured.
Ayuso has gloated before Feijóo that his strategy has given him an absolute majority in Madrid. As he has said, this “defense of good causes” also “involves great wear and tear, but it is worth it when you believe in what you are doing, and when citizens from left to right support your work at the polls.” “This is what has happened with the PP in Madrid. That is why we started this course with an absolute majority in the Assembly, capital and other municipalities ”, he pointed out.
Although the president has verbally defended her leader, she considers his attempts to attract a majority that would allow him to be president of the Government to be trivial. And she has attacked her approach to Pedro Sánchez by describing him as “inexperienced”, that is, “new and inexperienced in any art or trade”, according to the RAE.
“We are not going to change,” he said. “The narrower and more difficult the road is, the more we grow in adversity,” she pointed out, anticipating that his intention is to continue with the political anger that has given him such good electoral returns.
Ayuso has claimed merits that are hardly his. “We were the first to start warning about the drug problem, the rebound in drugs in Spain,” he assured. “From mental health, loneliness, birth problems,” he added.
Ayuso encourages civil war
The regional president has insisted on her strategy of comparing Madrid with all of Spain. And she has sent a message to those who, even within her party, do not want Ayuso to be tempted to take the plunge into national politics.
“Madrid is for Spain. We will defend the truth every day. A project at the service of Spain”, he said of the Madrid PP, of which he speaks almost in a confederal key about the national PP led by Feijóo. As if they were independent projects. Sometimes parallel, but never the same.
In an obvious internal key, Ayuso has criticized those who tell him “that the discourse of Madrid is not that of the outside” and that “what is said in Madrid is not said in the rest of Spain.” A speech that “only feeds those who are ashamed of the pacts with nationalism and need to justify their dependence on independence,” he has settled.
“Madrid slows down the business and the discourse of nationalisms,” he assured.
Ayuso has assured that “national politics is going through a very difficult time”. “For the first time in many decades we find ourselves with a front. A front that operates against, not in favor of Spain ”, he pointed out. “What proposals do we hear in favor of our nation? There are no proposals. The crimes, the bad practices, the bad management are still hidden because they need each other”, he added.
Ayuso has said that Spain is “ever closer to a secular and plurinational federal republic.” “We say it from this party,” he said, referring to the PP in Madrid.
And in an evident relationship with the Civil War after the fascist coup of 1936, Ayuso has concluded: “Whatever they do, it is their side. As in the 20th century, they lead us into combat. “That front does not need to win elections. It is enough for him that all of Spain loses. They break coexistence throughout the country, they take the problem of coexistence that has occurred in Catalonia to all of Spain. So that we cannot understand each other among friends, families, brothers. The worst of all is not that they want to disagree, they deny others. They deny the other supposed side ”, he added.
elDiario.es has formally requested a reaction from the national leadership of the PP. When asked expressly what he thinks of Ayuso’s words about the existence of “a side” that leads a part of Spain “to combat” “as in the 20th century”, the response has been a laconic “nothing”.
Feijóo throws in the towel
Feijóo has not reacted live to what Ayuso said either. In fact, he has glossed over his speech. “Listening to the president of the Community of Madrid, one comes to the conclusion that Madrid is the best city in the world.
“Those who have doubts after listening to everything he has said, which is an oratory piece that should be reread, as far as Madrid is concerned, I want to assure you that those who are not clear about whether or not they want to live in Madrid should read that text. and check that everything he has said is true.
After Ayuso has come the speech of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who from the outset has once again tried to remove the responsibility for a failed investiture, as he himself has recognized, and unload it on King Felipe VI.
“Perhaps this investiture process will not lead me to the investiture, but it will bring to national politics and Congress the equality of Spaniards, the dignity of institutions and the priority of families”, said the leader of the PP, who added : “I will do my duty as a candidate for the investiture, and when the time comes, sooner than later or sooner than later, with a Presidency. And we are not going to get to that Presidency by shortcuts”.
Feijóo has insisted on this defeatist discourse. “It is possible that defending the equality of all Spaniards will leave us without the Presidency within a month,” when the vote in Congress is scheduled, “but we will reach the Government defending it,” he added. “Even though we stay four votes from the Presidency”, he has once again acknowledged, “the 11 million do not deserve to be forgotten”, he said.
And he has settled: “In politics, the important thing is not to be president after losing. The important thing is, after winning, to serve your country in the place that touches you, whether it is reasonable or not”.
Source: www.eldiario.es