After the announcement of the DNU by the government, The pots and pans were heard again throughout the Buenos Aires neighborhood, opening the way to the organization of neighborhood assemblies, channeling the anger against the DNU and the Milei Omnibus Law, in addition to Caputo’s economic package. A traditional method of workers and popular struggles.
This spontaneous reaction began to be organized in neighborhood or territorial assemblies. where they converge neighbors, teachers, youths, fired state, overwhelmed merchants. In unity, they begin to organize resistance. Overturning the DNU of the Milei Government and defeating the adjustment plan is one of the objectives that is taking shape, since it started with the march of picketers and the left on December 20 that broke the anti-picket protocol, followed by the nightly cacerolazo against the DNU announcement that was spreading.
“Unity of the workers and those who don’t like it, get screwed”: cacerolazo in Flores con cut of Acoyte and Rivadavia streets:

“Unity of the workers and those who don’t like it, get screwed”: cacerolazo in Acoyte and Rivadavia pic.twitter.com/WddAheXd3i
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) January 3, 2024
In Rivadavia and Carabobothe leader of the PTS, in the Left Front, Patricio del Corro, shows the cacerolazo through his networks.
#cacerolazo in Rivadavia and Carabobo pic.twitter.com/byi16H70oS
— Pato del Corro (@Patriciodc) January 4, 2024
In the neighborhood Luganothe pans made themselves felt, “against Milei’s DNU, the Omnibus Law and Bullrich’s repressive Protocol”. They organize to join a active unemployment on January 24.

Juan B. Justo and San Martín. This is how it is debated in The Fatherly:

Intervention by Yamila, state worker pic.twitter.com/muU3Q8EmFz
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) January 3, 2024
From north to south the assemblies that already have their flags are regrouped.
Saavedra Park:

The Parque Saavedra assembly voted to participate in the general strike on January 24 pic.twitter.com/ifsrDecS9w
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) January 4, 2024
Inter-neighborhood assembly of Parque Saavedra votes to come to the service station with the pots. Azo azo down with the price! unity of the workers and those who don’t like it, get screwed, get screwed! pic.twitter.com/PqopzQL12J
— Lu (@LuJazmin_) January 4, 2024
Patricios Park:

In Almagro they pan and They partially cut off the street.
Medrano and Rivadavia pic.twitter.com/Bll85YAwa4
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) January 4, 2024
Cacerolazo against Milei now in Medrano and Corrientes. January is coming calmly. pic.twitter.com/sHbP608HvH
— Javier Slucki (@javslucki) January 3, 2024
In the pages of our newspaper you can follow all the struggles that are developing around the entire country. And we make La Izquierda Diario available to help the organization in the workplace, study and neighborhoods and in the heat of organizing the resistance open the necessary debates so that once and for all the crisis is not paid by the people but by the caste of politicians and economic power.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com