When her laughter broke out, she was angrier than ever. It was Monday and the markets had already opened. The blue dollar was starting another week of frenetic rises, but the president was laughing. Yes, he was laughing. The abyss loomed closer. The pockets of many were projected skinnier. But Alberto Fernández had time -and courage- to grant an interview of more than an hour to the actor and comedian Mex Urtizberea and dedicate himself to joking that he would like Robert De Niro to play him in a film about his life. There is no auction.
During those same hours, her spokeswoman, Gabriela Cerruti, did not do a much better job. In radio statements, and making a completely interested cut of reality, he said that “last night I went to dinner at the Center and at the theater on Corrientes Avenue and you couldn’t walk, so you say, this image is not that of a country in crisis” .
Clear. To many others, in reality, it is no longer a rant exactly what generates them Because they consider that Alberto Fernández’s film has already been filmed, it was a fiasco, and now we are barely seeing a spin-off that has him in a modest supporting role. The leading role has been held by Sergio Massa for a while, and the president only has a few gags that later become memes on social networks.
And in that feeling, there is a large part of the truth. With his formal resignation from being a candidate in the next elections last Friday, Alberto Fernández sincere a situation that already was. Real governmental power, since last August, has been concentrated in the Minister of Economy, who governs with the support of Cristina Kirchner. The supposed candidacy for the re-election of the president was nothing more than an absurd fantasy to try to prevent his figure from becoming even more liquefied before the end.
The next key scenes of the film will then be filmed on another stage. In the coming days, the Vice Minister of the Economy, Gabriel Rubinstein, will travel to the United States to meet with the Treasury of the North country and with IMF officials. According to press reports, the intention of the economic team would be to rediscuss the program and for the Fund to anticipate disbursements that will allow it to face the turbulence -in the plural, since, regardless of how the current bullfight ends, the road to December 10 is full of uncertainty and possible accidents.
With the coffers of the Central Bank almost empty, now they are lighting a new candle for the international organization to try to avoid a sudden devaluation, with its consequent economic, political and social disaster. Although it is true that the drought is seriously affecting exports – with estimated losses of US$ 20,000 million dollars – the truth is that after years of record exports, the person responsible for the lack of dollars is the national government, which, in complicity with big business deals, allowed a large trade surplus to vanish, enabling payments of billions of dollars of public and private debt, and allowing capital flight. A true looting of the country that today shows red hot. The critical situation that is going through did not fall from heaven. The left had warned about it from the beginning.
Will the IMF agree to provide fresh funds and recalibrate the program? It is what is to be seen in the coming days and, eventually, In return how much more fiscal adjustment and devaluation. As we discussed in this column last week, in the In order to elucidate how the United States will act at this acute moment of the crisis, the geopolitical factor and the interests of the North in its dispute with China in the world in general, and in the region in particular, must be taken into account. The IMF viceroyalty brings not only adjustment policies, but also national subordination and looting of the country’s natural resources. In what proportions will the ingredients be combined to have Argentina as a factor that can act in that sense without unravel, will be a key piece of information for the administration of the current situation. What is already certain is that behind this currency run are the big employers in the countryside and the economic groups that demand a “competitive” dollar to export. The IMF, which is also calling for more devaluation, remains to be seen how far it will tighten the rope. The cereal companies, the food companies and the supermarkets speculate and play financial scams with the people’s hunger. Price markings are, once again, the order of the day.
Within this framework, the Frente de Todos in particular and the political world in general, also awaits the words of the vice president for this Thursday Cristina Kirchner from the Argentine Theater of La Plata. While some await definitions or indications regarding the Peronist candidacies that -like all of them- must be agreed no later than June 24, others have their magnifying glass on regarding the economic definitions that they will make in the midst of an acute crisis. The truth, until now, is that his support for Sergio Massa and his adjustment policies is unconditional. Paradoxically -or not so much- that is what leads Peronism to have a deep political crisis, since the application of those same plans is what leads to enormous disappointment in its own electoral base, which suffers the consequences.
That same discontent with Peronism is what has given rise to the fact that, under the Government of the Frente de Todos, the right wing has grown like never before and today it waits crouching for its opportunity to return to power.
However, This week another interesting question has been installed from different media: And if the anger comes from the left? on your show Green shootsin C5N, the journalist Alejandro Bercovich stated that “it is always assumed that the angry vote will be channeled by the extreme right, but can it not be like that?”, giving way to his colleague Gabriela Vulcano, who said that “Javier Milei is not the only one who capitalizes on the angry vote. Another sector that is going to capitalize on it according to the polls is the left”and made reference to the polls that place Alejandro Vilca of the PTS in the FITU as second in intention to vote in the Jujuy elections that will be held in two Sundays (with 17.1% projecting undecided) and to those that refer to At the national level, the FITU would be at 6.2%. Also Carlos Pagni in his program last Monday made reference to similar data and analyzed the concern that they generate for Kirchnerism.
The data is not less. After years of crisis of Peronism and of obsession given to the right-wing opposition from the media and sectors of power, wanted to install the idea mechanics of a unilateral turn to the right, when the truth is that the chances of a variant of this type winning the elections are plagued with contradictions, perhaps not so much to win the elections, but certainly to govern. The demagogy of the right is based on the great economic crisis and the failure of all governments, but in no way does this mean that they have a consensus to apply their plans if they come to power. Even so, it should not be ruled out that this discussion is premature. With the new peaks of the crisis, times may come forward and we may have to attend decisive events before December 10. The growth of the left is one of the indications that support that the new attack plans will not happen so easily. The relationship of forces, more profoundly, will be defined in the class struggle.
In the last few hours, it has been the teachers in the province of Buenos Aires who have also shown that the anger can be expressed -and is expressed at least in part- in strong fight measures that have nothing to do with accepting to pay the costs of the crisis, such as the massive strike that they carried out for 48 hours in the province of Buenos Aires against the adjustment of Kicillof and the boycott of Baradel. They are not the only ones: also during these weeks the workers’ picket of the Mondelez workers had reinstated the Pan American agenda in the national debate, while subway workers are also fighting against asbestos, among other processes that also include opposition social movements fighting against cuts. The SUTEBA leader is not the only accomplice of the adjustment in the unions, far from it. The CGT continues to express “concerns”, but has not called for a single general strike or plan of struggle for years. It is necessary to impose them with assemblies from below to get out of that complicit passivity.
In this context, the platform that the Left Front will erect on International Workers’ Day becomes more important than ever. The times of the crisis have advanced. The fights to confront different exits as well. What it is about now is to promote this anger, organization and struggle from below, and propose an emergency program in the face of the crisis, in the face of the speculators who want to impose the devaluation, the Government that applies the IMF plans and the right-wing opposition that smells blood and asks for blood. Against all of them, and because of our own exit, we will be thousands this May 1st in the Plaza de Mayo and other parts of the country. Join us, there is no time to lose.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com