President Lula (PT) should travel to China in May, but it will be President Xi Jinping’s government that will set the new date. The Brazilian representative had to cancel the agenda in the eastern country for health reasons.
The desire of agribusiness entrepreneurs is for Lula to visit China during a food event to be held in the country. The Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Fávaro, who is in Beijing, said that China will decide when the trip will take place.
With the postponement of the visit, the agreements and memorandums that would be signed were frozen and will only be announced when Lula is in China. The more than 20 acts that the presidents would sign are already negotiated.
The Chinese government, in a note, wished Lula a speedy recovery and signaled that it is in contact with the Itamaraty to rethink the agenda and seek a new date for the meeting. The Chinese Foreign Ministry had organized a large reception for the Brazilian president, which would be the first since Xi Jinping took office for the third term.

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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/agro-deseja-que-lula-va-a-china-em-maio-mas-nova-data-depende-de-xi-jinping/