When he had not yet finished processing the visit of the IMF’s number 2 to Argentina, Gita Gopinath, Argentine President Javier Milei was already preparing to receive an emissary of the highest political level from the North American government, Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Regarding the first of these high-voltage meetings, the Argentine president expressed in a television interview with the TN channel that he had a great rapport with the IMF envoy and found great support for his economic plans, thus showing his political vocation to march hand in hand with the recipes of organization that returned to Argentina since 2018, a period during which poverty in our country doubledcurrently reaching 57% according to a study by the Argentine Catholic University (UCA).

However, despite Milei’s enthusiasm, in public statements Gopinath underlined some nuances: “The initial measures are beginning to bear fruit, although the road ahead remains difficult.” As the IMF has been pointing out for several weeks, its board of directors is pleased with the plans and structural reforms that the Argentine president began to implement and project, but has doubts regarding the future political sustainability of the Government. In that sense, the IMF called for “working pragmatically to obtain social and political support to guarantee the durability and effectiveness of the reforms.” It means that beyond the ruling party’s story, the defeat of the Omnibus Law project in the National Congress is still very close and that the social conflict threatens to take on a higher temperature during the month of March as the recession is felt even more strongly. , inflation and tariffs. These elements, along with the contradictions of La Libertad Avanza’s own plan, cast doubts on the future of the Government.

In any case, none of this prevents the continuity of fluid relations with the highest representatives of the United States, a country that is the main shareholder of the IMF. So much so that this Thursday night the Secretary of State arrived in Argentina Antony Blinken.

According to a In a statement issued by the United States Embassy in Argentina, riddled with euphemisms, the official “will meet with Argentine President Javier Milei to discuss bilateral and global issues, including sustainable economic growth, our shared commitment to human rights and good governance.” democracy, critical minerals, and improving trade and investment for the benefit of both countries.”. Before arriving in our country, Blinken passed through Brazil, where he held a meeting with President Lula da Silva.

For the Democratic administration of President Joe Biden, the relationship with Javier Milei has some contradictions. On the one hand, they see many of his economic measures and geopolitical positions well, such as having distanced himself from China, condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, denouncing the governments of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, or supporting the genocide of the State of Israel against the people. Palestinian. But, on the other hand, there is a reality that the Government of Javier Milei is politically close to Donald Trump, in a context in which the United States will define its next president in this year’s elections.

Without going any further, tonight Milei will travel to the United States to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where the main speaker will be Donald Trump. It is expected that the issue will not be mentioned when the Argentine president and the North American official also meet today with the presence of Foreign Minister Diana Mondino.

Simultaneously, different media outlets report that during the month of March different tours of international investors organized by local brokerage companies will come to Argentina. They want to know the Javier Milei experiment first-hand and find business opportunities taking advantage of the “freedom” that the new government wants to offer to trade and exploit both the workers and the natural resources of our country, deregulating everything they can in favor of the more concentrated economic power, an experiment that has already failed in the past both in Argentina and in the world. However, even with these advantages to mount a looting in favor of economic power, it is not certain that investments will come, within the framework of the deep economic, political and social crisis that Argentina is experiencing.

One thing is certain: the new times in Argentina are seen well by both the United States government and its economic establishment, which seeks to take advantage of the redoubled dependence of our country that implies the mega-indebtedness with the IMF to redouble its political interference and its policies of plundering of natural resources. As the embassy itself said, on this trip Blinken is interested in “critical minerals.” Previously, the head of the United States Southern Command, Laura Richardson, had indicated that the “lithium triangle” was considered a national security problem for the northern country.

That last one is just an example. With the help of Milei, they come for everything. The looting must stop.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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