The government continues to hold events and meetings, to try to cover up what matters: the numbers of reality do not support it. That is why it started what it calls the “May Council”, something that nobody understands who composes it or what it is for, but it is supposed to be made up of officials, parliamentarians and governors who are in favor of dialogue, businessmen and perhaps some CGT leader.
One of the first tasks of the “council” is the application of the Ley Bases and the 10 libertarian commandments. The Secretary of Labor, the “techinista” Julio Cordero, is in charge of negotiating the regulations of the labor reform. Last week he met with the CGT, now it is his turn with his bosses. We are talking about the Group of 6 (G6), composed of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA), the Argentine Chamber of Construction (CAMARCO), the Association of Argentine Banks (ADEBA), the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, the Argentine Chamber of Commerce (CAC) and the Argentine Rural Society. In other words, the cream of the economic power.
Capital Humano stressed that it will be with an “open agenda.” What does that mean? That they will discuss not only the reform already approved, but that the businessmen will insist on other projects. As is known, the G6 was more enthusiastic about the original version, included in DNU 70 but now suspended. It was “more comprehensive and profound” (Infobae). That is why they insist on projects to declare almost all economic activities (and education) as “essential services,” to make agreements more flexible, and other great ideas.
But the law’s regulations, the “fine print”, are also under discussion. We must bear in mind that it is not only a corrupt law, approved with perks, but it is also full of unconstitutionalities and grey areas. That is why the government and its bosses want to ensure that it faces the fewest lawsuits when it is implemented.
This includes an agreement with the CGT. Let us remember that Daer, Martínez, Cavalieri and company met with Cordero last week. There are issues such as the figure of the independent worker, discriminatory dismissal or the scope of sanctions for “blockades” that are under discussion. It is not that Peronist unionism wants to overturn these anti-worker points, but rather “moderate” them. For example, an “entrepreneur” can have 3 independent workers (without rights), instead of 5. What can we expect from this bureaucracy?

The government’s proposal is that the Group of Six and the CGT form a “technical table” to agree on the final wording. It will be a give and take. Give me a bit of this, I’ll give you this right. Don’t touch this and I’ll give you this other one. All behind closed doors, obviously. Technical and clandestine. Can you imagine if every meeting was broadcast on open television? Forty years ago they couldn’t leave the official offices.
The “diabolical” Daniel Funes de Rioja, employers’ lawyer and head of the UIA, has already announced the ridiculous arguments they will bring. They want to discuss “the limits to the right to strike, which must take into account the figure of harassment and violence in ILO Convention 190, already ratified by Argentina.” For Funes, “the convention is two-way, since plant blockades or the impossibility of entering or leaving an establishment also violate constitutional rights such as the right to property, the right to exercise any lawful industry, the freedom of movement and work.” The argument is unacceptable. Convention 190 recognizes “the right of every person to a world of work free of violence and harassment, including violence and harassment based on gender” and is part of the unequal relationship between employers and workers, especially female workers.
It is the powerful, and their managers, police and bureaucrats, who exercise this kind of violence. The working class, collectively, appeals to its methods of action that it has legitimized and legalized in 250 years of history. With the verse of the “two-way” the employers want to put the limits to the dictatorship of capital on an equal footing with the responses of the working class. For example, the millionaire Madanes can break workers, discard them as worn-out cover, blackmail them with a crisis prevention and harass them to take “voluntary retirements”, suspend them to break them, make a lockout, but if the workers and their union go on strike with pickets “it is a harassment” of their property and “the legal industry”.
They are totally shameless. They are like the fake tears of a serial con artist.
The “technical committee” of the government, the G6 and the CGT must be rejected. Any application of the Ley Bases and its labour reform must be rejected. This is what the militant trade union movement and the left are proposing. They met last Friday at the SUTNA and will demonstrate this Friday in Plaza de Mayo. We must support the struggles, reject the dismissals and the entire Milei plan.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com