In the Reference Center located in Unzué, areas such as the National Disability Agency, INADI, the Center for Access to Justice and the former Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity are developed. The closure of this center would affect around 50 workers and would leave a significant part of the Mar del Plata population without access to services.
On the other hand, the situation of the workers at Espacio Unzué, dependent on the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and Family, is extremely worrying. The contracts of these workers expire on March 31. According to the coordinator of the culture area, 14 workers from the Unzué space have been fired.
The workers at Unzué and the Reference Center highlighted the importance of these spaces for the care of the most vulnerable sectors of Mar del Plata society. Different free cultural and recreational activities are carried out to guarantee children’s right to play and recreation. A renowned fair also operates in the space, carried out by numerous families.
Workers from different state agencies, such as INIDEP and fired workers from the Secretary of Labor, also joined the protest.
Rosa Mauregui, former candidate for mayor of FITU, is one of those dismissed: “On Wednesday afternoon, thousands of state workers began to receive notification of layoffs in their email inboxes. In the Ministry of Labor of Mar del Plata, there are 14 workers who had a precarious contract. Me 8 years ago who worked there precariously”
“The former Ministry of Labor, which made us massively precarious under all governments, today should be called the Ministry of Layoffs. They gave Techint’s lawyers the management of the Secretary of Labor to do what it is doing, an attack on all workers as a first step to advance in applying the labor reform that seeks to attack all workers in Argentina with loss of rights. Here the caste was not fired, but the workers. Behind each of us there is a family, the majority of us who are dismissed are women. We are not going to allow it. We say families on the street Never Again”said Rosa Mauregui.
“We meet here, in the Unzué space, because we are not going to allow any layoffs in the state. We demand the reinstatement of everyone. We are not going to allow the closure of Unzué either.”
“We come in solidarity and to unite all the laid-off workers, from INIDEP, Anses and many others who fight it like us”
“We workers cannot wait for the times of the CGT and the CTAs. The call for a national strike to confront this attack is urgent. This is not the time to speculate on the times or to fight divided. Those of us who are laid off need a fight plan now. The forces are there. We demonstrated it in the national strike on January 24 and also on March 8 and this March 24, with thousands in the streets.
The government wants to make us, the workers, responsible for the crisis generated by those who have governed together with the big businessmen and the IMF, which dictates the entire adjustment plan. Let them be the ones who pay for the crisis, not our families, not the retirees.
The broadest unity is necessary to fight, that is why we propose that ATE and UPCN call a general assembly of all the states of Mar del Plata and a fight plan at the level of the attack until we achieve the reinstatement of all those dismissed.”
The workers present at the activity against layoffs commented that on Saturday the 30th they will hold a festival against the closure of the space and layoffs.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com