Sergio Massa was the only speaker at the event that took place this Friday in front of the National Congress. Convened by the various wings of the union bureaucracy, it served as a celebration of the modifications in the Income Tax.
The “celebration” came in the middle of a week marked the rise of the social crisis. Last Wednesday the information about the poverty, which exceeded 40%a figure that implies that this scourge affects more than 18 million people.
In his speech, the minister-candidate considered “a fundamental step” what he presented as the elimination of the fourth category of Income Tax. Strictly speaking, what there is a very important rise in the floor from which it is taxed. Although this leaves a substantial portion of the workers out of payment, does not imply the elimination of the tax.
Repeating the campaign scriptMassa also said that “in three weeks the future of Argentina is defined, we decide if we are a country with labor rights, with paid vacations, with the right to compensation, that fights to improve the income of our workers or if we return to the past “.
The speech clearly is not in tune with a large sector of the working class that lacks labor rights, bonuses, paid vacations or the right to compensation. He even lacks the right to have sick leave, something that Nicolás del Caño denounced in the vice president debate in TN.
It must be added that, in addition, The right to compensation does not apply in a union like Constructionwhere Gerardo Martínez directs bureaucratically more than three decades ago. This Friday he was one of those who was in the front row, just behind Sergio Massa.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com