None of the businesses of Alberto González Amador, partner of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and confessed fraudster, can be understood without the participation of who has been his mentor in the Quirón Group, Fernando Camino, president of the giant’s Prevention subsidiary. sanitary. According to sources in the sector, Camino met González Amador a decade ago, both working in the world of mutual insurance companies and he is the manager who opened the doors for him in health consulting at the Quirón Group. Over the last few years it has also provided a company (without employees) through which to bill the healthcare giant and had previously established the Panamanian firm with which Díaz Ayuso’s partner operated until a few weeks before the Treasury began the investigation into his assets, in May 2022.
All these data have been revealed by elDiario.es in a journalistic investigation that began once González Amador’s tax fraud was known, which he himself acknowledged in writing to the prosecutor’s office on February 2, weeks before this medium published the first information about Díaz Ayuso’s partner.
What had not emerged is that Fernando Camino, the supporter of Ayuso’s partner in the Quirón group, is also the key character that explains the commission of two million euros that González Amador charged in the worst of the pandemic, officially for exercising as an intermediary in the sale of masks and other medical supplies.
The documentation to which elDiario.es has had access reveals that Fernando Camino is one of the owners of the Mape firm, the Pontevedra company that placed the order of 42 million euros from a Catalan firm, FCS Select Products SL, which had agreed with Ayuso’s partner a commission for 4.5% of the sales he achieved.
The only client that González Amador brought to FCS Select Products was Mape, who placed two orders in May and August 2020 for more than 42 million euros and which resulted in two commissions for Ayuso’s couple of 834,320 euros (on May 5, 2020) and 1,138,360 euros (on August 5 of that same year).
As stated in the Treasury report that gave rise to the complaint for two tax crimes, González Amador received these payments under the concept “customer marketing.” As González Amador himself explained to the Tax Agency, it was a commission to obtain buyers of medical supplies from the firm FCS Select Products SL, with whom, always according to González Amador’s story, he had signed an intermediation contract in the month January 2020, many weeks before the first positive for coronavirus was detected in Spain.
The Treasury Inspection described Maxwell Cremona, the company owned by Díaz Ayuso’s couple that received the commissions, as “a mere intermediary that will limit itself to putting the two parties in contact that are going to formalize the sale of the products.” The Treasury highlighted in its report that González Amador’s company “in no case will appear either as a buyer or as a seller or as part of the agreement.”
What was unknown until now is that the company that placed the order for 42 million euros in healthcare supplies, Mape Asesores, has among its owners Fernando Camino, president of Quirón Prevention and González Amador’s mentor in the healthcare sector. The documentation to which elDiario.es has had access proves that the client he obtained for the Catalan firm González Amador was a company in which his boss at Quirón Salud, a person of his utmost confidence, is a shareholder.
A few weeks ago, when elDiario.es published that Camino was listed as Mape’s administrator, a spokesperson for Quirón Salud explained to this editorial team that he was acting as an “external director.” The documentation collected in this investigation shows that it is not an external director, but that Fernando Javier Camino Maculet is one of the five owners of the company, along with the Cachafeiro Goméz brothers (Gumersindo and Elena), and the shareholders Víctor Mosquera Rodríguez and María Ester Pujol Busquets,
Mape Asesores has never wanted to answer calls from elDiario.es nor has it responded to the questions that this editorial team has been asking the company’s spokespersons. No one has clarified who was the final recipient of the masks that Mape bought with that extra cost of almost two million euros (as a brokerage commission) from the Catalan firm.
Mape’s client list includes Quirón Prevention itself on its website (which has not responded to this medium if it received part of that order for medical supplies in which González Amador mediated), the Community of Madrid (which has not clarified either). if you bought part of those masks), the Xunta de Galicia, the Ministry of Industry, the Royal Mint along with multinationals such as Inditex, Renault, Telefónica or Iberdrola.
The defense that the Madrid president’s chief of staff Miguel Ángel Rodríguez has undertaken to try to exonerate González Amador of tax fraud has sought from the beginning to involve the central government. Rodríguez, both in the threatening messages he sent to a journalist from this newsroom and in an interview given to the newspaper El Mundo, insisted that the company involved in the commission had been the one that had sold the most material to the Government of Spain during the pandemic. above 250 million euros. He is referring to FCS Select Products SL, a Catalan firm that was dedicated to the marketing of alcoholic beverages and that, thanks to its contacts in China, managed to position itself as one of the main importers of masks in the worst months of the pandemic.
In reality, the firm that made the two million commission possible is Mape Asesores, the only client that González Amador brought to FCS and that placed orders for 42 million to the Catalan firm in 2020.
The operation caught the attention of the Tax Agency inspector who investigated the economic movements of Ayuso’s partner long before it was known who was behind Mape. When the Treasury asked Ayuso’s partner about this new business channel of their company Maxwell Cremona, dedicated until then to risk prevention, Ayuso’s partner alleged: “The intermediation work has been developed by Alberto González Amador and not “There has been a physical place of realization, as it is a commercial intermediation job.” ,
According to the explanations that Ayuso’s partner offered to the Treasury inspection, to put in contact the Catalan company FCS Select Products (which had hired him to obtain clients) and the Pontevedra-based Mape (owned by his friend and boss in Quirón , Fernando Camino) it was necessary to turn to a firm based in Florida called Inteconn IHD.
In the allegations presented to the Treasury, González Amador defended that the work he carried out to obtain his boss’s company in Quirón as a client were “conversations (videoconferences and meetings) held with the parties to propose a business between a company, FCS Select Products that has merchandise that is estimated to be in high demand in the very short term and Mape, a consumer company of said merchandise that owns FCS Select Products.”
According to the story given to the Tax Agency inspector by Ayuso’s partner, “after multiple prior conversations, finally the person responsible for Maxwell [González Amador] holds a meeting with Inteconn (the Florida firm) in New York on January 23 and 24, 2020, finally closing the agreement with FCS on January 25, 2020.”
In other words, the thesis that Ayuso’s partner presented to the Tax Agency is that to put the Catalan company for which he acted as commission agent in contact with the purchasing company of which his boss at Quirón Prevention is co-owner, another intermediary was necessary. , a Florida-based firm, and a meeting in New York to close the deal.
Subsequently, in order not to pay taxes on these extraordinary income of two million euros, Ayuso’s partner wove, according to the Treasury, a web of shell companies that issued false invoices to simulate expenses of 1.7 million that were never paid.
For all this, the Tax Agency filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office, which prosecuted the case and attributed to González Amador two crimes of tax fraud and one of document falsification. Before the matter was uncovered by elDiario.es, González Amador himself had already confessed to the Prosecutor’s Office about the two tax crimes. On May 20 he is called to testify before the judge.
At elDiario.es we are aware that publishing news like this is not easy, that there may be consequences. At least we know what we’re dealing with this time. They have made it clear to us and in writing: “We are going to crush you, you are going to have to close.” The threats from Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, the right-hand man of the president of Madrid, are not just a warm-up. It is not even the first time that he has resorted to pressure like this to prevent information from being published.
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Source: www.eldiario.es