A family of four members living in the city of Buenos Aires needed in March to receive income of at least $ 107,836.35 to not be considered in a situation of indigence y $ 191,240.96 to avoid being included in povertyaccording to the data disseminated by the Buenos Aires General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses.
In this way, the costs of the Basic Food Basket (CBA)which mark the line of indigence, had an increase of 9.83% last month, while the aaccumulated in twelve months reached 117.40%. In the case of the Total Basic Basket (CBT), which establishes the poverty index, the monthly increase was 9.23% and the year-on-year increase was 111.39%.
The National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) will announce on Thursday, April 20, its measurement of the national basic baskets.
The baskets do not include important expenses for working families, such as paying rent. In this sense, the Minimum Consumption Basket (at the national level) prepared by the workers of the Internal Board of ATE-Indec indicates that “a Household made up of a 35-year-old couple with two children of school age needed, in February 2023, $273,146 to meet your needs. And they detail that “no worker should earn – out of pocket – less than the value calculated in this exercise.”
The purchasing power of wages has plummeted in recent years. The purchasing power of workers fell more than 20% since 2015. The Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage (SMVM) in March was $80,342, that is, it is below the indigence basket.
An emergency increase in salaries, retirements and social plans is necessary to recover everything that was lost with Macri up to the present, and that they are adjusted monthly according to inflation.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com