Arcelor Mittal is the main steel producer in the world, it has a hundred plants distributed in various parts of the world. Through mergers and acquisitions, it leads the global steel market. Recently, in a partnership with Nippon Stella they acquired the majority shareholding of US Steel, an important American group for a value of 14.1 billion dollars.
It is unlikely that this monopoly group can say, or rather demonstrate, that it is going through an economic crisis.
Acindar leads the national market for non-flat steel, bars for construction and the automotive industry as well as inputs related to the field such as wires, straps, etc.
The Argentine economy in the hands of Javier Milei’s chainsaw is entering a recession without presents, with the slowdown of public works and the abrupt fall of private construction and production in SMEs and auto parts terminals, which has a direct impact on the levels of Acindar production. But this does not mean that they are in economic crisis.
This employer’s association was characterized throughout its history by being a “pioneer” in attacks on labor rights. Today, in the midst of this situation where working-class families are feeling the weight of the crisis, the increase in food prices, rates, transportation, etc., they refuse, together with the group led by Paolo Rocca, to grant an adjustment salary at the levels that inflation is setting. It is not enough that it leaves hundreds of contracted workers who had been performing functions for years unemployed, as well as outsourced workers where there is a strong reduction due to “voluntary” retirements.
We know that this crisis situation favors large companies, which have the back to stop their production and thus try to sow fear and uncertainty in workers and the population. Acindar did it in 1991 and its more flexible plan was not reversed by any government even in the best times of economic growth. That is why we share the knowledge of these plans, in order to remain alert and organize to defend our labor rights and achievements. We need the broadest unity with effective, outsourced and contracted workers to be able to debate in joint and democratic assemblies as we do so as not to be “the caste” that pays for the crisis. But it is also essential that metallurgists do not fight alone. In a situation of attack on railway workers, state workers, teachers, aeronautical workers, etc., the need for the CGT and the CTAs to call for a great national strike and a plan of struggle that unifies all the sectors we are in is more urgent than ever. being attacked and give continuity to this fight until the adjustment of Milei, Caputo and the IMF falls.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com