The Unión por la Patria candidate avoided questioning the Government on economic matters, especially those made by Nicolás del Caño in relation to inflation, job insecurity and poverty. In relation to the external debt, he only responded that “they have to manage it.” He also defended having raised the salaries of the military and having placed César Milani, author of crimes during the last dictatorship, as head of the army.

The debate between the vice presidential candidates in A Dos Voces had one of its first high points when Nicolás del Caño questioned the candidates for following the policies of the IMF and Agustín Rossi responded that they are going to “throw the Fund out of the country.” The Left Front candidate made it clear that the current government is responsible for having guaranteed the debt that Macri contracted and for the inflation that is causing workers’ income to fall.

Almost as the only response, the former Minister of Defense repeated several times that they managed to lower unemployment, without giving any response to the fact that 40% of the population is immersed in poverty, the growth of job insecurity and the highest monthly inflation. in 30 years. As Nicolás del Caño pointed out, the management of Peronism made workers poorer and the rich richer.

Rossi tried to present the latest measures taken by Massa (increase in the minimum taxable profit, refund of VAT) as important improvements for the population, but he did not even mention the devaluation that preceded them and caused a jump in prices. He also could not defend the Minister of Economy and presidential candidate when Del Caño asked him “What Massa are people going to get, the one you said was from the right?” In reference to when the current Chief of Staff Ministers had harshly criticized Sergio Tomás for declaring that “Argentina has to close the human rights stage.”

Precisely in relation to human rights, Rossi seemed more concerned about fighting for votes from Villarruel or Petri than about trying to pose as a progressive. The Unión por la Patria candidate claimed to have increased the military’s salary twice as much as inflation, highlighted the reopening of a military factory and defended the name of César Milani as head of the army. The latter was the result of a cynical question from the candidate of La Libertad Avanza (defender of the genocidaires), to which she tried to justify herself by arguing that Milani had not been convicted; but he avoided taking a position on his subsequent conviction for the forced disappearance and torture of Pedro and Ramón Olivera and Verónica Matta (of which he was later acquitted thanks to the complicity of the judiciary).

In closing, the current official tried to link Milei and Bullrich with the past, with the dictatorship and with the failed Macri government; promising a better future with Unión por la Patria. But the present of a country subject to the IMF, with increasing inequality and the economy on the verge of collapse, is the confirmation that it is impossible for workers to “fill the refrigerator” with the policies of Peronism that prioritize the interests of the big people. businessmen over those of the vast majority.

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Politics / Agustín Rossi / A Dos Voces


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