The voters are clear. Faced with the complex political scenario that came out of the polls on July 23 and that still keeps the viability of the legislature in suspense 24 hours after the constitution of the Cortes Generales, the citizens are betting on a reissue of the progressive coalition with the support of the nationalist and pro-independence parties to the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, among them Junts per Catalunya, the formation led by Carles Puigdemont and which for the moment has not revealed whether or not it will agree to support the progressive majority in the Chamber or contribute to a blockade that would lead to the electoral repetition.

The PP falls after 23J and the PSOE has options to fight for first place


In the survey carried out by Simple Lógica for and to the question ‘How do voters prefer the investiture to be resolved?’, the answers show a clear picture: the preferred option is by far ‘that the PSOE reissue the pact of the previous legislature but now with the support of Junts’, with the support of 40.3% of those surveyed. Among the voters of the PSOE itself and of Sumar, logically, this solution to the investiture sweeps the support with 73% and 83% respectively.

The second option, which advocates forming a solo government of the PP with the abstention of the Socialists in the investiture session, remains far behind in the preference of the voters. This hypothesis, which the popular have tried to feed with direct allusions to the socialist ranks, is the one preferred only by 14% of Spaniards, although it has the explicit rejection of the progressive electorate: neither the PSOE voters nor those of Sumar contemplate that equation.

The poll shows that even the electoral repetition would have more popular support (24.5%) than the hypothesis of a free abstention from the PSOE to invest Alberto Núñez Feijóo as president or of a great coalition between the PP and the Socialists, another promoted scenario also from conservative sectors in recent weeks and that only 3.1% of citizens prefer in the survey.

After the refusal of the PNV to negotiate an investiture of the president of the PP that counts in some way with the extreme right of Vox and the verification, therefore, of the impossibility of Feijóo reaching Moncloa with the numbers that came out of the polls on 23 July, the option of a right-wing Executive is only preferred by 9.4% of voters, a global figure that is mainly Vox voters, despite the fact that it does not even reach half of them (47% ) who opt for this formula.

The survey also asks for the reasons that led to voting for a political option on July 23 and for the moment in which that decision was made. More than half of the voters (54.3%) admit that their vote had been decided even before the electoral campaign began and that its development did not change their option. 30%, for their part, responded that they hesitated until the end between two or more parties and 12.4% of those who finally went to the polls maintained the doubt between the ballot they chose and abstention.

Regarding the reasons that ended up influencing the chosen option, more than half explained that they were the opinions of Pedro Sánchez, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Yolanda Díaz or Santiago Abascal about ‘issues that are of my interest’, followed by the possible agreements after the elections, the results of the interviews of the candidates or the information published in the press, television or social networks.


How to stop the lies

The 23J campaign has made clear the tremendous importance of the free press, which depends on its readers and owes nothing to anyone else. The vast majority of the big media are owned by banks, funds and large communication groups. The vast majority of them have whitewashed the ultras and are under the control of the agenda set by the right.

That is why we ask for your support. We need to grow. Hire more journalists. Reinforce our local editions against the lies of the local and regional governments of the extreme right. Sign up more investigative reporters. We need to reach more people, build a bigger newspaper, capable of countering the brutal wave of conservative propaganda that we are going to face. And that will leave small what we have experienced in this dirty electoral campaign.

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