With these new authorizations, Brazilian agribusiness reaches its 110th market opening in 2024, totaling 188 openings in 58 destinations since the beginning of 2023

The Brazilian government welcomed the announcements of health approvals from the Thai government for the import of pecans, and from the governments of Angola, Canada and Australia for the import of dried distiller’s grains, known by the acronym in English DDG or DDGS, from Brazil.

These market openings will contribute to increasing trade flows to these important markets and reaffirm international confidence in Brazil’s health control system.

In the first seven months of 2024, Brazil exported more than US$2.77 billion in agricultural products to these four countries. Thailand was the ninth largest destination for Brazilian exports, with a total of US$1.8 billion. In the same period, agricultural exports to Canada, Angola and Australia totaled, respectively, US$604 million, US$211 million and US$159 million.

With these new authorizations, Brazilian agribusiness reaches its 110th market opening in 2024, totaling 188 openings in 58 destinations since the beginning of 2023.

These results are the result of joint work between the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE).

With information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Map)*

Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/09/16/brasil-abre-novos-mercados-em-angola-australia-canada-e-tailandia/

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