On Saturday, the 32nd edition of the pride march took place in the City of Buenos Aires. From early on thousands gathered in Plaza de Mayo with banners, flags and outfits. The official call raised “not one more adjustment, not one less right” as its central slogan.
The march was crossed by the repudiation of Milei, against the advance of anti-rights sectors that attack comprehensive sexual education, the right to abortion and treat the rights of LGBTIQ+ people won in the streets as “privileges.” In the days before the mobilization, Diana Mondino, a member of La Libertad Avanza, compared equal marriage to “having lice,” saying “afterwards, don’t complain if there is someone who doesn’t like it.” Speeches that only reproduce inequality and seek to place sexual diversity as scapegoats in the midst of the crisis.

A right that grew in the heat of the adjustment made by the Frente de Todos Government, which falls on the vast majority of society and has a greater impact on LGBTIQ+ people and women. Something that was expressed with the demand for the State to apply the transvestite – trans job quota that at the national level only opened 865 jobs, 0.19% of the total workforce, while there are more than 8 thousand people applied.

At noon, a call was made in front of the Courts in support of the Malón de La Paz, to bring solidarity to the native peoples who have been fighting against the constitutional reform in Jujuy by Gerardo Morales that seeks to prohibit social protest and deepen the looting of property natural commons for the business of a few.
The application of Comprehensive Sexual Education and the claim for Where is Tehuel? They were part of the mobilization again. Lautaro’s relatives were also present and reported that he was the victim of a hate crime on September 28.

From the stage of the march, recognitions were made to those who supported the defense of LGBTIQ+ rights, where the national representative of the Left Unity Front, Myriam Bregman, was invited for having been the only one who included the demands of sexual diversity in the presidential debates. , as well as Celeste Fierro, recent legislator elected in the City of Buenos Aires by the FIT-U.

The Unity Left Front called for the march, raising the need to confront Milei’s extreme right and its hate, anti-rights and denialist speeches in the streets, and denouncing the adjustment of Massa and the IMF. In turn, he carried the flag of the Palestinian people in solidarity against the genocide being carried out by the State of Israel.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com