Juan Grabois and Ramiro Marra debated hand in hand on the TN program A Dos Voces. In the midst of a dialogue that was marked by chicanery and the low level of arguments, there was a moment that made clear what many pointed out during the electoral campaign all last year: The La Libertad Avanza lists were put together by former minister and former presidential candidate Sergio Massa.
Grabois had no problems confirming that the LLA lists were put together from “Sergio Massa’s office”, a complaint from the left since 2023 when both Berni and Grabois himself had admitted it. In closing, he told Marra “Massa and you are the same.” pic.twitter.com/NZ3UJZJTeB
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) May 16, 2024
During the moment of free debate in the Economy and inflation block, Grabois had an attack of sincerity and cornered Marra with questions about the officials who were part of the previous government and today remain under Milei’s administration. However, the questioning only shows the imposture of the person who campaigned for Massa after being defeated in the PASO, even harshly attacking the left and other sectors that questioned the disastrous government of the Frente de Todos and the then super minister.
“Why is the general director of Customs the same one who was with Massa?” Grabois asked. “She was a good official,” said Marra, somewhat uncomfortable and surprised by the questioning. But the former presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria redoubled the bet: “Why is the president of Correos the same one who was with Massa? Why did they put together the lists from Massa’s office?” Marra, confused, took advantage of the end of time to avoid responding and change the subject. But Grabois took advantage and finished: “You and Massa are the same!”
Grabois’ sincericide has the objective of separating itself from the disastrous image that Massa left in the last government, in his eagerness to launch his candidacy for the 2025 legislative elections. On numerous occasions he has made it clear that this is his next goal and that all his actions are based on preparing his launch for the midterm elections. letting the adjustment advance and speculating that this could give him some electoral gain next year.
But by openly recognizing the collaboration of Massa and Peronism with Milei and La Libertad Avanza, Grabois should give some explanation to those who trusted him and tell them why, knowing all this, he defended tooth and nail the candidacy of the leader of the Frente Renovador, responsible for abandon the government with poverty greater than 40% and which functioned as the objective basis for the rise of the libertarian right, which they actively helped to come to power.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com