The Saudi Arabia jewelry scandal destined for the Bolsonaro family had wide repercussions in the European press.
“Bolsonaro’s jewels withheld for millions of euros”, reports Corriere della Sera, Italy’s largest circulation newspaper. “It was a gift from the Saudi government to the woman Michelle”.
The news takes on a sarcastic tone due to the photo chosen to print the news. Jair appears talking to Michelle while making a gesture that suggests silence.
Sarkarism is also notable in the magazine Expresso, from Portugal. The weekly shows the former president and his wife laughing, while reporting the opening of an investigation.
“The body responsible for overseeing customs in Brazil informed in a note that it “will take the appropriate measures” to “determine the destination of the merchandise”, after the new information published by the Brazilian media reported that in addition to the jewels allegedly given to the former prime minister, lady by the Government of Saudi Arabia, and which were seized, another package with items of value entered the country in a hidden way.”
“The Brazilian Federal Revenue clarified that it was going to investigate a second package of jewels coming from Saudi Arabia. It may have entered the country irregularly by members of the government of Jair Bolsonaro ”, explained the Portuguese portal Observador.
The Belgian newspaper La Libre highlights “investigation into the alleged importation of Saudi jewelry for Bolsonaro”.
Also in Belgium, RTBF radio says that “Bolsonaro is the target of an investigation into the alleged importation of Saudi jewelry”.
“Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro denied Saturday, March 4, that he had acted illegally after the local press revealed that he tried to smuggle into his country sumptuous jewels offered by Saudi Arabia in 2021”, observes the French newspaper Le Figaro.
Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/escandalo-das-joias-a-bolsonaro-repercute-na-imprensa-europeia/