This Thursday the National Institute of Statistics and Census published the Permanent Household Survey (EPH) with data on the distribution of income and work in the third quarter of 2024. In just one year the marginality grew strongly, with thousands of jobs Destroyed, more hours of employment people who do not find and an advance of work in “black” over the formal. Income, collapsed.

The destruction of employment and activity

INDEC’s official figures mark a destruction of 254,000 jobsfrom 19,227,000 people occupied in the third quarter of 2023, by 2024 they were reduced to 18,973,000. It corresponds to an active population of 20,200,000 people. But within those employed, the subocupados increased, who are the ones who work less hours than they wanted for causes outside the worker. Thus, the busy passes from 17,134,000 to 16,712,000: a loss of 422,000 workers. And the subocupados increased by 168,000 people.

Besides, The number of unemployed increased from 1,086,000 to 1,293,000, from 5.4% in the third quarter of 2023 to 6.4% a year later. It is worth mentioning that for the EPH if you had any type of changa or work in the reference week is not considered unoccupied.

This way, The “pressure” of those who seek work total it in 4,686,000 peopleamong the unemployed who are looking for a job and those busy who are also willing to change jobs or work more hours. With an ongoing recession with collapse of consumption, with industries working to “average machine” (56% use of installed capacity) and the destruction of public works, the job offer seems very insufficient for the plaintiffs.

Among the provinces with the highest unemployment is Buenos Aires with 8.3%, 700,000 economically active Buenos Aires that do not find work. It is worth mentioning that this measurement of the EPH is more complete than its usual measurement in 31 agglomerates according to INDEC, since it incorporates urban “total population” in cities of more than 2000 people.

Labor precarization and poverty income: 4 out of 10 workers have no rights

In turn, this Thursday the undeb The average income was just $ 619,602being for men of $ 720,852 and for women of $ 519,897. It should be noted that according to INDEC, in September, a home of 4 people (2 adults and 2 children) specified $ 964,620 to not be poor, poverty income.

Differently by province, income is disparate. If family per capita income is taken into account, the province of Buenos Aires, with 41% of the country’s population, is below the general level.

As for the formality of work, the number of wage earners went from 13,849,000 in the third quarter of 2023 to 13,527,000, that is, they were observed 322,000 employees less than one year to the other. In addition, of that total, a 37.1% work “without a retirement discount”. This is about 5,000,000, almost 4 out of 10 employees, which do not have labor rights, without pension contributions and have lower salaries than those registered. According to Indec, these workers, on average, earn 40% less than those registered. These figures do not include the rural population where informality is higher.

Disaggregating by provinces, Salta and Santiago del Estero already have more informal workers than formal, 52.3% and 51% respectively. Also currents (49.8%), Tucumán (48.8%), Córdoba (47.3%) and Formosa and Chaco (46.2%) are found in values ​​close to 50%.

With lower person income, Formosa, Chaco, La Rioja and Santiago del Estero are, which anticipates that they are the provinces with the highest poverty rates. There is also a general income gap between men and women of 27.9%, being the province of Santa Cruz where the men are most expanded, in that province, men earn 44.5% more than women. In the city of Buenos, the gap is 29.5%.

Face the adjustment against the complicity of the CGT

Milei no longer knows how to draw his numbers and recently in the US said that his government took more than 10 million people from poverty (?), Also that the economy stabilized and is growing. Data kills story.

The truth is that Milei put the country’s economy at the service of large capital and speculators. For making a simple account, at the first semester of 2024 the government had paid $ 13,000 million between capital and interest. This amount is equivalent to approximately 21 million average revenues of workers in the country ($ 619,602). Being the economically active population (ready to work) 20.2 million, it means that (and making an assumption) if that money instead of going to the speculators was destined in productive salaries, an extra bonus or an annual salary could be given Extraordinary emergency for $ 600,000 to all workers in the country.

There is silver, it is necessary to throw down the economic plan of Milei and the IMF and put the needs and interests of the majority ahead.


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