China, Russia and Iran defend diplomacy as the only viable path to resolve the nuclear issue, rejecting unilateral sanctions and coercion

In a world full of geopolitical tensions, the Iranian nuclear issue is a critical test of the commitment of the international community to peace, diplomacy and multilateralism. The predominance of diplomacy or the mastery of “maximum pressure” tactics will determine the stability of the region and will establish a precedent for global efforts of non -proliferation.

The joint statement issued by China, Russia and Iran on Friday after a trilateral meeting in Beijing reaffirms a shared conviction: political and diplomatic engagement and dialogue are not only preferable, but the only viable and practical option to face this complex challenge.

At the center of the discussions was a shared commitment to reject unilateral sanctions and coercive measures. Diplomacy should remain the main tool to resolve disputes and crises, and not only used as a last resort after aggressive policies have failed.

In an increasingly complex and fragile international environment, relying on sanctions and military postures is not only counterproductive but also dangerously short -sighted, promoting instability rather than fostering significant engagement.

A sustainable resolution requires a holistic approach, one that balances nuclear non -proliferation with legitimate right to peaceful nuclear energy. While Iran must continue to maintain its commitment not to develop nuclear weapons, all parties must also fully respect their right to civil nuclear programs, as recognized by international law.

The 2015 Global Action Plan (JCPOA) demonstrated the power of dialogue, proving that even the most rooted disputes can give in to diplomacy when all parties are involved in good faith.

However, unilateral removal of the United States from the agreement and its subsequent “maximum pressure” campaign left JCPOA at risk.

Against this background, China’s appeal to keep JCPOA as the base for renewed consensus is practical and visionary. The agreement remains a rare diplomatic achievement that balances Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear energy with imperatives of non -proliferation – a balance that should guide future diplomatic efforts.

In defending a process based on respect rather than ultimatum, China seeks to eliminate divisions and restore JCPOA’s original spirit.

The trilateral meeting took place after six of the 15 members of the United Nations Security Council (UN)-United States, France, Greece, Panama, South Korea and Britain-gathered at closed doors about the Iranian nuclear issue.

This exclusive meeting raises concerns about the politicization of the issue. What is needed now is dialogue and cooperation rather than an intervention imposed by the Security Council.

Under current circumstances, a hasty intervention of the Security Council will not help build confidence or overcome differences. Meanwhile, triggering a quick return of sanctions would undo years of diplomatic efforts.

A step -by -step and reciprocal approach is urgently necessary. Instead of increasing tensions through unilateral measures, major countries should focus on restoring confidence and ensuring compliance through engagement.

The Iranian nuclear issue is not just about Iran – it is a test to know if global governance will be defined by cooperation or coercion.

With information from Xinhua*


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