Partnership between China and Brazil is strategic because it unites large emerging economies in innovation, combating poverty and sustainability
On Tuesday afternoon, local time, President Xi Jinping arrived in Brasília and began his state visit to Brazil. After two important multilateral meetings – the APEC meeting and the G20 Summit – interactions between China and Brazil also attracted great attention from the international media.
According to reports, China and Brazil are expected to promote trade and cooperation in various areas, such as agriculture, infrastructure, energy and aerospace, strengthen the alignment of the two countries’ development strategies, consolidate mutual political trust between the parties and expand the strategic, innovative and leadership character of their bilateral relations.
China and Brazil are two large developing countries in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Both have vast territories and significant populations, in addition to being members of BRICS.
Naturally, China and Brazil share many common themes regarding national development and the progress of their people’s living conditions, among other aspects.
The most representative is the commitment of both leaders to reducing poverty, one of the most urgent tasks. President Xi described poverty alleviation work as “a great task that I am determined to accomplish,” while Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva referred to solving hunger as “fulfilling life’s mission.”
This reflects the reality that, although developing countries have their own particularities, they all share a common desire to seek development and a better life.
Given the current international scenario, would it be possible for developing countries to fully take advantage of their latecomer advantages through equal cooperation and mutual assistance, thus charting a new path of shared development?
China and Brazil have demonstrated, in practice, that this path is not only viable, but also has enormous potential for the future. As President Xi said, a weaker bird can start early and soar. Influential developing nations such as China and Brazil have opened a new avenue of cooperation based on mutual benefit and shared destiny, serving as a powerful inspiration for countries in the “Global South” seeking modernization.
In this context, improved and expanded cooperation between the two countries carries a profound meaning that goes beyond the bilateral level.
The mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Brazil is highly convincing. For 15 consecutive years, China has been Brazil’s largest trading partner and one of its main sources of foreign investment.
According to Chinese statistics, China’s annual imports from Brazil have exceeded US$100 billion in the last three years.
The scope of their shared interests continues to expand, with notable highlights in agriculture, infrastructure, green development and technological innovation.
Despite being separated by approximately 18,800 kilometers, being “the most distant countries”, their relationship transcended hemispheric and civilizational divisions, achieving mutual learning and shared prosperity.
They also became a model of cooperation and positive results on the path of modernization between two developing countries and two nations of the “Global South”.
Most importantly, China-Brazil cooperation is guided by high aspirations. Take poverty reduction as an example – both nations are determined to tackle challenges that even developed countries have difficulty solving and are willing to share their solutions with others.
This gives the partnership a global and contemporary relevance, potentially marking a significant milestone in the true rise of the “Global South”.
As we broaden the strategic impacts of our mutually beneficial cooperation, expand its scope and explore new avenues, more exemplary projects that align with current trends and bring lasting benefits to populations are emerging.
The dimensions of “South-South” cooperation will be enriched and expanded, providing a stronger foundation for global peace and stability.
As “big players” among developing countries, cooperation between China and Brazil has attracted significant attention from Western public opinion. Some voices prematurely classify this partnership as an attempt to “counterbalance the US”, which is not only incorrect, but also quite limited.
This view reflects a deep insecurity among certain Western elites and their restricted imagination regarding the infinite possibilities for human development. These voices are destined to be left behind in the face of the collective rise of the “Global South”.
In the recent official photo taken during the G20 summit in Rio, the leaders of China, South Africa, Brazil and India were together, and some commentators interpreted this as a sign that the future of the countries of the “Global South” is on the horizon .
Embracing this visible future, China and Brazil will courageously act as “pioneers” and “surfers of the waves”, using their deep friendship and close cooperation to write an even more remarkable chapter for the “Global South”.
This text is an Editorial from the Global Times*
Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/11/21/por-que-a-relacao-entre-china-e-brasil-e-estrategica-para-o-futuro-do-sul-global/