Maria Corina Machado, leader of the Vente Venezuela party, who remains banned for having called for foreign military intervention in Venezuela, has a pro-imperialist and anti-democratic track record. This politician currently accompanies the opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez at all events, and often speaks before the candidate himself. She is a figure of the Venezuelan right and comes from one of the most traditional families.
Below we share some of the milestones in his political career, in favor of the coup and pro-imperialist sectors of his country.
Maria Corina Machado, leader of the Vente Venezuela party, who remains banned for having called for foreign military intervention in Venezuela, has a pro-imperialist and anti-democratic track record. Below we share some of the milestones in her political career, in favor of the coup-plotting and pro-imperialist sectors of her country.
- In April 2002 Machado was part of a US-sponsored military-business coup attempt against the Chavez government, which at the time enjoyed majority support from the population.
- Those who tried to overthrow that government were the parties of the previous political regime, a repressive regime repudiated by the people, the most concentrated part of the national bourgeoisie, Fedecámaras, the leadership of the Catholic Church, with the support of the United States.
Maria Corina Machado supported this coup attempt which blew up the National Constitution, Parliament and all public powers with a stroke of the pen, and initiated a fierce political persecution.
- During the lockout and oil sabotage, among 2002-2003 Once again, a social minority, the most concentrated part of the Venezuelan bourgeoisie, is attempting to overthrow the government. Once again, María Corina Machado supports the coup plotters.
- In the year 2004a referendum was held to resolve by electoral means what they did not want to continue to resolve in open confrontation in the streets and workplaces. The Carter Center, the OAS, the Chavez government and a sector of the national bourgeoisie headed by Gustavo Cisneros sought to avoid a further escalation of the class struggle. The plebiscite did not favor the reaction, and as they were defeated again, this time in elections, Maria Corina Machado and the sector she represents rejected the result of the popular referendum, ignoring the will expressed by the majority of the population.
- In the year 2014 The Chavista government had just been elected by a narrow margin and was beginning to lose its social base. At that time, Leopoldo López, Antonio Ledezma and María Corina Machado sought to have the government overthrown by the mobilizations of a sector of the middle class in association with some sector of the Armed Forces that would lead a coup d’état. That has always been their plan, for a sector of the military to carry out a coup against Maduro and bring the reactionaries to power. Nothing could be further from what they demand today: democratic methods.
- On several occasions, Machado stated what are his examples of democratic governmentsLet’s start with Colombia: Alvaro Uribe Velezduring her government, violence spread to such an extent that there was a true regime of terror against union leaders, popular leaders, indigenous people, and young people who were murdered by the police and the army for the sole reason of showing murder figures. María Corina [ha apoyado abiertamente y defendido a Uribe- https://www.laizquierdadiario.com.ve/Sin-verguenza-ni-disimulo-Guaido-y-la-oposicion-defienden-a-Uribe-narcoparapolitica-y-terrorismo-de”’]
- Come VenezuelaMaria Corina Machado’s party is proud of the cooperation agreements with the Likud, Israel’s far-right party of current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu which has been carrying out genocide against the Palestinian people.
- In 2019, the situation in Venezuela had advanced against the government, which is beginning to be widely repudiated by a growing sector of the population., an anti-worker, anti-popular, repressive government against the people. The policy of Guaidó’s employer opposition, María Corina, Ledezma, sought to make the government a puppet of the United States.
They intended to use all the economic and military power of the United States to impose the overthrow of the government. María Corina insisted on carrying out an intervention by foreign forces in Venezuela.
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- Guaidó, Machado and Trump offered the repressive military commanders a general amnesty.
It is clear that not everyone who confronts the Maduro regime is an alternative that wants to carry forward the will of the people and the interests of the working class.
In a situation where both candidates agree to continue and deepen pro-capitalist policies and adjustments to workers, the campaign “The working class has no candidate” was launched by the comrades of the Party of Socialism and Liberty (PSL), the PPT-APR (Patria Para Todos – Alianza Popular Revolucionaria), Marea Socialista and the League of Workers for Socialism (LTS, which promotes La Izquierda Diario in Venezuela). This campaign had as its main focus the independence of the workers and a political program with the anti-capitalist perspective that workers should govern, which can be read in the Unitary Declaration. The working class has no candidate in this election. They do not represent us! and in the formulation of the vote, calling for a null vote.
International / Venezuela / Uruguay Edition / Venezuela Right / Venezuela Crisis
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com