At least 16 fatal victimscomplaints about A hundred missing people that they are still looking for and almost 1,500 evacuated It is the “human” balance that so far throws The great flood suffered on Friday in Bahía Blanca and surrounding towns. Consequences of A systematic state disinvestment In public works, Lack of prevention y absence of a contingency plan before climatic events of these dimensions.

While all national media reflect testimonies and images of an entire people in despair, families that cannot return to their flooded homes and also the solidarity organized from below; Traditional policy already shows its miserieswith their greatest exponents seeking to zofar from the responsibilities that fit them in this Social crime.

This Sunday the mayor Federico Subielles a press conference from the Municipality provided with his cabinet. There he worried especially to mark his proximity to the provincial government of Axel Kicillofon which he spared no praise, while “thanked” the arrival in the city of the National Security and Defense Ministers, Patricia Bullrich y Luis Petribut made clear his political distance with the management of La Libertad advances.

Las quarrels between rulers They emerge at the gates of the electoral campaign and impregnate the speeches of mayors, governors, presidents and ministers. Even in the middle of a humanitarian catastrophe like the one lived these days, They always have time and space to stir their “internal” interstate. And in those “cracks” some data that import appear.

In your press conference, Susbielles He said that preliminary estimates indicate that to rebuild the city and repair the “infinite damage” they will need “More than $ 400,000 million”. And in a wink to the government, almost like a spokesman for Kicillof said the management of Union for the Homeland will make “an ad that is coming” about the economic contributions that the province will make.

It was then that the mayor told the press that he learned “through social networks” of authorization by the Minister of Economy of the Nation, Luis Caputoregarding a contribution from the national state of $ 10,000 million “to repair damage”.

And Susbielles He does not lie (and in this case there would be no reason to think that he would be doing it), the contribution that, at least so far, promised to perform the national government to Bahía Blanca represents just 2.5 % of the amount projected by local authorities. If the calculations are conservative (everything suggests that more funds will be required for full reconstruction) that percentage will be even lower.

To take only one example, it is estimated that the reconstruction of the Hospital Pennathe most important in the region (of which the images of flooded neonatology were of the first to viralize on Friday), it would sue almost $ 19,000 million, that is, twice as contributed by Milei and Caputo.

One more time, mercy And company show what they are: ESPEASTORS. By announcing the contribution of $ 10,000 million Caputo He thought he was sending a message of “commitment” of the national state with Bahía Blanca. Maybe he did thinking about taking off La Libertad advances of The disastrous image left Milei in December 2023when after another storm that left 13 fatalities and large losses he traveled to the city disguised as a military, he only brought “words of breath” and made it clear that they would not contribute a weight.

In recent years it was evident that Neither the provincial nor the national state have carried out the necessary works To prevent Bahía Blanca, La Plata and the rest of the Buenos Aires cities, particularly those of the populous conurbano, to end up being areas of humanitarian disaster before strong climatic events. In 2023, at the age of ten years of the flood of La Plata, We marked it in this documentary.

Today national officials blame their predecessors and their Buenos Aires adversaries for not having carried out the necessary works. More hypocrisy, impossible. It is the same government as La Libertad advances who decided to cut from rennet and stop financing all kinds of public works from the day of his assumption, on December 10, 2023. Until they came to fire apart from the staff of the staff of the National Meteorological Servicewith all that that implies in terms of research, analysis and development of alerts.

La Libertad advances You may think that the contribution of less than 2.5 % of what Bahía Blanca will need to get up reaches and left over. They should account for What happened to Bullrich and Petri When they tried to photograph themselves by carrying “solidarity” to the Bahian neighborhoods. After receiving insults and contempt from neighbors, they had to be guarded by the police.

In order for the true priorities of the rulers to be sized, it is worth remembering that, in what they have been in the Casa Rosada, Milei and Caputo have already paid $ 14,735 million in interests of the illegal, illegitimate and fraudulent external debt. They are scammers.


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