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The recent demolition of the monument dedicated to Osvaldo Bayer in the province of Santa Cruz unleashed a wave of indignation in the cultural and academic field of Argentina. Writers and outstanding figures, such as Claudia Piñeiro, Martín Caparrós and Felipe Pigna, expressed their repudiation through various media, qualifying the act as an attack on the memory of Bayer and its valuable contribution to the understanding of Argentine social history, particularly through works such as “rebel Patagonia.”

“La Patagonia Rebelde” is a fundamental work of Osvaldo Bayer that narrates with detail the rural strikes of the 1920-1922 in Patagonia, a tragic episode in Argentine history. Through a rigorous historical research, Bayer reconstructs the struggle of rural workers against the conditions of exploitation imposed by landowners, mostly foreigners, and questions the complicity of the Argentine State in the repression of these movements.

The book focuses on the organization of workers, influenced by anarchist ideologies, and their demands for labor improvements, which included increased salaries, shorter working hours and the cessation of abuse by patterns. Given these demands, the landowners requested the intervention of the State, which resulted in the brutal repression of strikes by the Argentine army, culminating in the massacre of around 1,500 workers and some conscripts that sympathized with the strikers.

Bayer describes the role of the Government of Hipólito Yrigoyen in these events, demonstrating how state institutions acted to guarantee the interests of the ruling classes at the expense of workers. In addition, it analyzes the official narrative that sought to hide or justify these massacres, highlighting the need to rescue historical memory from a critical and oriented perspective towards social struggles.

The impact of “the rebel Patagonia” was such that it aroused political-historiographic debates in the decades after its publication and led to the creation of a film adaptation directed by Héctor Olivera in 1974. This film, despite the censures and restrictions of the time, contributed to popularize the brutality of the events narrated by Bayer and to keep the memory of the strikers and their memory demands

In summary, “Rebel Patagonia” not only documes a dark period of Argentine history, but also stands as a call to reflect on the dynamics of power, oppression and workers’ resistances. Bayer’s legacy, through his work, remains a key tool to understand the class struggle and labor rights in Argentina, and his memory, a lighthouse for those who seek to build a more fair future.


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Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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