The referent of PTS-left leftMyriam Bregman, stated that “on Saturday we have to leave all, all, all, because we cannot allow discrimination against sexual diversity, women. We are living the installation of discrimination as a state policy and that is why not anyone It can be indifferent. “
“They tell us that it is a lie that there is gender violence and machism They are doing large companies like Shell, who had already done it when Macri was a government, and you’ll remember that they had large businesses in common, in Pilkinton, GPS and other companies that begin to join this wave, “Bregman said.
“The Normalization of discrimination as a policy of statusOr it is alarm. The recent attacks on the LGTBQ+ community and women are brutal. This government denies gender violence, tries to delegitimize the concept of femicide, and promotes a hate speech that deepens inequality. Worse, we see how this connects with business interests that take advantage of labor flexibility to fire workers and re -recruit them as monotributists, removing all their rights, “he said.
“What we are living is no accident: it is a Deliberate attempt to install a political and social system according to an authoritarian ideology. Therefore, the silence of political sectors against these reforms is very serious. “
That is why the former deputy (expired mandate) indicated the importance of mobilization and collective action: “This Saturday it is essential to go out into the streets. We need to unite all aggravated sectors to demonstrate that we are not going to tolerate these discriminatory policies. Social mobilization was key for conquests such as the legalization of abortion, and is the way to stop these regressive reforms. “
In addition, he urged political representatives to clearly pronounce: “Are they for or against discrimination as a state policy? There is no room for ambiguities“He sentenced.
Political responsibility and silenced crimes
“In addition, there are more than we cannot forget. Remember Fernando Gómezmurdered on December 18 in the framework of the Safe Border Plan, promoted By Patricia Bullrich and the governor of Salta. This plan, far from solving the social problems of the region, only reinforces repressive policies. In areas such as Tartagal, devastated by the privatizations of the 90s and the land of land, people are without alternatives. As they said in a documentary made by colleagues from The daily left: “We have lost the earth. All that remains is to pass something from one side to the other “”.
“Bullrich labels these people as terrorists, replicating United States policies. Faced with social and geopolitical problems, the answer is always repression. Remembering the case of Fernando Gómez is crucial, because The murder was treated as a minor fact in the media, but we cannot ignore it.”
“We cannot allow messages to be issued from Casa Rosada.hate and repression. This type of speeches has a historical weight in our country, one marked by tragedy and the fight against dictatorship. Let’s not forget what it means to a head of state say phrases like “I will persecute you.” These threats must be faced with popular mobilization, unity and the reconstruction of a political transversality that defends human and social rights. “
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com