Workers of the energy company Secco Renovar participated in the first hearing at the Ministry of Labor of the Province of Buenos Aires last Wednesday, May 22. There, it was expected that the government would dictate mandatory conciliation and that the 7 laid off from the CEAMSE plant in Ensenada would return to their jobs, as well as the reopening of the plant.
However, The company refused to reinstate the workers, arguing that it left them without a source of employment due to “productive circumstances.” It should be noted that Secco Renovar is part of the same business group as Secco SA, which operates in different cities in the country, and maintains commercial businesses with large national and international companies in relation to energy generation and gas compression. On the other hand, the same presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, recognized this Friday at a press conference that the energy sector showed a surplus of 2.4 billion dollars in the first quarter of the yearwith a projected surplus of around 25 billion dollars by 2030. Therefore, the company’s arguments are not real.
The workers mobilized to the Ministry of Labor with the Mobile Energy Workers Group (ATEM) of the Federation of Energy Workers of the Argentine Republic (FETERA), along with their families, and were accompanied by the provincial deputy of the PTS/FIT Laura Canomembers of the CTA-A, from Fetera, students from the UNLP, the Center of Professionals for Human Rights (CeProDH), workers from the Río Santiago Shipyard, from Aguas Balcarce, from Atucha Zárate, teachers from the Brown Group, and members of the Socialist Workers Party (PTS), the Workers’ Party and the Socialist Left.
La Izquierda Diario spoke with Secco workers at the sitewho expressed: “We are firm and we are going to continue for the reinstatement of all our colleagues“. Furthermore, they denounced: “The company continues with the same discourse, they contradict each other. They kick us out for being part of Secco Renovar, they say they have no resources, but they are part of Secco SA, they are the same economic group. They want to wear us down and they are not going to achieve it. We will continue fighting for the reinstatement of the 7.”What the company intends is clear, it is to make it more flexible, throw us out and operate with a reduced staff., ignoring all the rights that are gained by the group. So we’re going to stay organized.”
It should be noted that Secco workers have been denouncing the dismissals of 7 workers who carried out their tasks at the Ensenada thermal power plant that converts the methane gas produced from the mountains of garbage collected on the CEAMSE property into electrical energy to supply homes. With the layoffs of the workers, this plant closed, so the reopening of the plant is also required to care for the environment and to guarantee energy service to the homes of Ensenada.
“We are workers, we generate energy, we are part of an essential service and in addition to fighting for the source of work we always We have been fighting to deliver quality service. Secco, on the other hand, proposed the reduction of personnel, precariousness of working conditions, so we are fighting for the reinstatement of colleagues but also to maintain quality service, because we know that the company, in terms of generation of energy, It has decimated staff in all the plants and we have been denouncing it forever.“, they stated.
On the other hand, they expressed their willingness to continue in the fight until their demand triumphs, and to join other sectors of workers and popular people who have been coordinating: “We are going to continue fighting, and if we have to come 20 more times, we are going to come 20 times more, but we are not going to give them the jobs today. There are a lot of labor conflicts in all the provinces. It is time to go out and take advantage of all the struggles that exist., stand up, rebel against this oppressive system, of adjustment, of repression. “It is our moral and social obligation to be in the fight, there is no other option, there is no other possibility.”
“It’s not that they are attacking us alone, we knew that Milei arrived and we began to prepare, we went to Congress to confront the Bases Law, We join with our colleagues from GPS-Aerolíneas Argentinas and that is a tradition we have. Now when the vote is taken and we have to be part of discussing the need for a national strike, because they are not attacking us alone, the accounts give Milei and Caputo attacking the retirees, the soup kitchens, and then they give everything to businessmen. “That has to do with our fight.”
It should be noted that the energy workers have been developing an arduous campaign against the closure of the Ensenada plant and the dismissals of the 7 colleagues. In assembly, the workers defined stay at the headquarters to take care of the jobspromote a fighting fund to sustain this fight and ask for everyone’s support until this situation is reversed.
To spread their claim, they have toured the National University of La Plata, participated in the educational march on 4/23 in defense of public education, were part of the call that rejected the Omnibus Law in Congress in February and spoke with the workers of the La Plata Shipyard to establish ties of solidarity and common coordination in their struggle. Besides, They visited the Crónica TV studios to spread their claim in the media and this Saturday, May 25 They will be part of the Meeting in Plaza Congreso along with hundreds of workers, students, retirees, feminists and environmental activists to coordinate forces and confront the adjustment of Milei and his accomplices.
Meanwhile, the Chamber of Deputies of the province of Buenos Aires voted in favor of a declaration of repudiation of the dismissals of Secco workers from the CEAMSE plant in Ensenada. The measure was proposed by the provincial deputy of the PTS/Left Front Laura Cano. “In that statement, furthermore, Governor Axel Kicillof is urged to take the necessary measures to resolve the conflict, that is, the reinstatement of the workers. So we hope that it will be one more tool for our comrades to be reinstated and for their struggle to be heard,” Cano told La Izquierda Diario, and commented: “From the Left Front bench we have made a contribution to their fight fund. , as well as support for all the measures that they carry out.”
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com