This Tuesday, January 2, workers from the Former Ministry of Labor entered collectively with those laid off. This action had the objective of ensuring that those laid off are not isolated on the streets and is another step in organizing their reinstatement. The laid-off people begin to have faces and organize themselves along with the rest of their colleagues.
“Everyone inside” sing workers and dismissed people at the doors of the Secretary of Labor, dependent on the Ministry of Human Capital pic.twitter.com/sWHyk4HUd4
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) January 2, 2024
At the headquarters on Leandro N. Alem Street, hundreds of workers gathered and managed to pass the turnstiles, inside the building they began a cessation of work and are in a permanent assembly. Similar actions are being carried out in different departments of other ministries.
The delegates of the internal board of ATE told La Izquierda Diario:
Protest against layoffs in the Ministry of Labor: Both in Labor and in Economy and Social Development it was voted to prepare massive collective entry into these organizations with those laid off, to convene unified assemblies of members and non-members together with the unions. pic.twitter.com/KiTHm5E1VL
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) January 2, 2024
At the entrance they were accompanied by directors of ATE Nacional, the CTA Autonoma and the legislator of the Left Front Alejandrina Barry.
Alejandrina Barry, PTS legislator in the Left Front, accompanies the workers in the action called against layoffs at the Ministry of Labor pic.twitter.com/riFyKyGI5s
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) January 2, 2024
Inside the building they began to hold an assembly where they put the focus on the organization of those laid off so that no one feels alone and they are protagonists of the fight. Today they find themselves with a cessation of activities while they evaluate new force measures and aim to strengthen the national strike of January 24 from below, “The fight for the reinstatement of the dismissed state employees is a first task on the path to defeating the DNU and Milei Omnibus Law that attacks workers and popular sectors, while benefiting national and foreign monopolies”the delegates told us.

For their part, the Ministry of Economy carried out the same actions, the path of coordination and unity of the state against the dismissed should be an immediate goal. Meanwhile, the ATE board announced that they will meet today to evaluate the overall situation. These actions organized by the internal grassroots boards are an example, organizing the fight from below, while waiting and demanding an open national plenary session of all state parties.
Lorena Itabel, worker at the Ministry of Economy on the action against state layoffs pic.twitter.com/zj7RFOPlb2
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) January 2, 2024
These actions were prepared in general assemblies that began to be organized from the beginning of Milei’s threats against state workers, as Lorena Itabel, delegate of the Ministry of Economy, says. “Milei said that he was coming against caste but the first thing he did was dismissals of workers and with the DNU and the Omnibus Law he put all the workers and popular supporters on the sidelines of this government. We must fight against the dismissals and be part of the organization from below of the national strike of January 24”.
Similarly, Buenos Aires state officials are receiving notifications of layoffs from Jorge Macri. One day before the end of the year holidays and with phone calls and without any prior notice, the City Government began to dismiss precarious workers who have been working for more than 5 years as monotributistas. Information on layoffs was collected in almost all state agencies.
From the Brown Classist Group of ATE they are making proposals in all instances of debate within the state, starting with organizing the unemployed in Dismissal Committees so that they have a face, a voice and are protagonists of the fight, while ATE leaders are required to a national strike and open general plenary session to define a plan of struggle.
News in development
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com