The Milei government, amidst the poor economic figures and the rejection of a large part of the population, has decided to continue attacking the working people. The big bosses have taken advantage of the signal to also launch layoffs and attacks on wages and working conditions. What is happening in the tire factories and the Posadas Hospital are two symbols of this policy.

But, unlike the CGT leadership, which lets things go, and the CTA leadership, which talks but takes no serious action, the militant and left-wing sectors of trade unionism, together with the social organisations that are being persecuted, propose to resist. To defend jobs, the pockets of workers and the people, and the historic achievements. Against the demoralisation and resignation conveyed by the Peronist leadership and its trade unionists, there is a path of organisation and struggle.

This is what the meetings held these days propose, as well as the actions that they are promoting. And in the plenary session that met at the SUTNA, an action to promote this resistance was voted on, after an important exchange. It will be on Friday, July 26, with a demonstration in Plaza de Mayo, starting at 4:30 p.m.

Its main objectives will be the following:

  • For a national active strike and plan of struggle to defeat Milei’s entire plan.
  • Down with the labor reform and the “Bases Law.”
  • No more political persecution. Freedom for those arrested for fighting.
  • For a great national action against layoffs and all attacks on workers.

    The MAC-PTS class-based groups proposed to redouble solidarity with the attacked sectors, ranging from FATE, Bridgestone and GPS-Aerolíneas to the Posadas Hospital and many state agencies. In addition, the importance of promoting coordination not only at the national level but also at the regional level, to strengthen each struggle and the demands on the union leaderships. Also the importance of taking tough measures in each conflict, with all possible support, to break the intransigence of the employers. With coordination and combativeness, we can resist and win.

    At the meeting, representatives of Sutna such as Alejandro Crespo, as well as those dismissed from FATE, spoke. Also present were Rubén “Pollo” Sobrero from UF Haedo, Raúl Godoy, a ceramics leader and from the PTS, Mirta Jaime from CICOP Hospital Posadas, as well as delegates and activists from more than 30 unions. There was a commitment to go and talk to other sectors that, although they did not participate in the meeting, are also willing to mobilize and confront the cuts and layoffs, so that they join the calls. And in turn, to spread the word in all unions and workplaces, and places of study, neighborhood assemblies, etc.

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