On Saturday thousands of people concentrated on Buenos Aires, La Plata, Córdoba, Rosario, Bariloche, Paraná and other cities to discuss how to express massively and in the streets the repudiation of the recharged speech of hate of Javier Milei and its henchmen against the LGBTQI+movement, feminism, environmentalism, left and all those expressions that do not fit their medieval and reactionary gaze. The huge Assembly of Parque Lezama resolved to call next Saturday at 4:00 p.m. march from Congress to Plaza de Mayo and there will be various initiatives throughout the country.
From the Pan & Rosas Group participant in those meetings, they called to win the streets “with the unity of the feminismsthe Sexual diversityTHE workers y retired in struggle ”. The call is “against the government’s attack on laws against femicides and gender violence”, “in defense of our pride: the closet never returns again!” And “no dismissal: we are part of the worker struggles of the Bonaparte Hospital, memory sites and companies against layoffs, empties and closures.”
That mass response joined the sneaked for repudiations received for days by mercy after His speech at the Davos forum. Manifestations from the most diverse political, social and cultural sectors through networks, communications and public statements. Even referents on the right, such as Miky Vanilla Pichetto or the head of the Buenos Aires government Jorge Macri (Allies of libertarianism in many items), sought to take off from the presidential diatribes. Except for notable exceptions such as Cristina Kirchner, Axel Kicillof y Sergio Massathe rejection did not even escape the editorials Sunday of newspapers as well as Clarion y The nation.
In the middle of a economic situation that is aggravated for vast social sectorsproduct of official policies themselves, while A handful of corporations benefit of the financial bicycle and other gifts from the Casa Rosada, mercy He focused in recent days to abuse his fans and distribute manure, fallacies and threats against those who represent everything he hates. This Sunday, before the cataract of rejections received, he returned to tweet a message. And far from asking for some kind of apologies for everything previously vomited, decided to fold the bet.
The message combines the usual Self -reference as a supposed “leader” of an alleged unstoppable movement, a ridiculous victimization before accusations of liar and violent and a exacerbated megalomania as the engine of every argument.
The last paragraph is particularly remarkable: “In front of each curve that you want to invent, we We will continue to accelerate. Because unlike you, we know where we have to go to rescue this country from your claws. Do not get our way. Freedom advances and nothing will prevent it from doing it. ”
If each “curve” in which it accelerates mercy did not result in the general impoverishmentlos layoffshe hunger for millions of girls and boys that is perpetuated, the even greater decline of public health and education and the strengthening chains that bind the country to imperialism; The presidential “poetry” would only generate laughter. But behind that expressive mediocrity A very violent threat From the top of the state to those who oppose their scheme.
Self -perceived owner and delivery of a “freedom” that has nothing popular and egalitarian, Milei overlooks his phone believing that he can instill fear. It requires them to “shake” those who put themselves on their way, because he will not raise his foot from the accelerator. His megalomania seems to have no limits. But It is wrong ugly.
Next Saturday will be a good opportunity to demonstrate the mimous kitten of power (infected with rage against everything that does not conform to its medieval and sectarian worldview) The expensive thing that can come out Try even to attack rights conquered by women and dissidents, against political currents that really oppose and against historical popular struggles in defense of human rights and our common natural assets. That fear is and his henchmen, not those who have the reason on their side.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com