In recent months the problem of hunger has worsened. Poverty, which already exceeded 40%, with the Milei and Caputo measures, now exceeds 50%. Childhood, the hardest hit. The soup kitchens had been facing the adjustment, but Minister Sandra Pettovello stopped sending them food. In the end the caste was the hungry people.
“Eating twice a day is a privilege.” “People ask themselves: do I buy food or do I buy medicine for my kid?” “If the poverty line is 286 thousand pesos, what are we? “What’s more underneath poverty?” Julieta, Tamara, Ariel, Johana and Gloria work in canteens in Greater Buenos Aires. They see, day by day, the deterioration of food and the lives of working families. More and more plates to fill, pots becoming emptier every day.
“Many governments did not think about the people, they think about the businessmen,” they say. “And if you don’t go out to fight the lice are going to eat you. The rich man becomes fuller and we are worse off.” They know that all poverty is political.
But they don’t stop at the complaint. They have been on the front line against hunger for years. They are part of the social movements where the most precarious sectors of the working class are organized. The Daily Left He was with them in the Matheu (Tigre) and Tristán Suárez (Ezeiza) dining rooms, promoted by the Front of Social Organizations (FOL) and Frente Arde Rojo (FAR), respectively.
“Out of fear we don’t eat, we don’t live” says Tamara. “The fear that burns” adds Gloria. And so, like when they cook, the complaints are seasoned with the conviction that they are not going to leave the streets. “We are not going to stay in our homes” they say. No.
The voices range from the dining rooms to the mobilizations. The voices of the front line also come from there.
A report by Lucho Lucero, Javier Brat, Matías Galix and a team from La Izquierda Diario.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com