After the elections on Sunday 28/7, when the authoritarian regime of Nicolás Maduro declared itself the winner, without showing the minutes or the proportion of votes by region, and the right-wing, pro-imperialist opposition also declared itself the winner, a political crisis broke out in Venezuela. How did we get to this point?
Sectors of the population went out to protest, claiming that the government has repressed and imprisoned people. The regional right, with Milei at the head, supports the opposition that wants to privatize everything and surrender at the feet of the United States, but a totally anti-democratic government with plans to adjust to popular sectors has earned the rejection of millions. There is no way out for the great majority, neither with the Maduro government nor with the right-wing mercenary and privatizer.
In this video we tell you how this situation came about.
International / United States / Latin America / Nicolás Maduro / Mexico Edition / Venezuela Right / Venezuela Crisis / Venezuela Elections / María Corina Machado
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com