The United States Chamber of Commerce in Argentina (AMCHAM) issued a statement showing its support for the decree of necessity (DNU) of the government to advance a new agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This decree, backed by the Chamber of Deputies this Wednesday with 129 votes in favor, allows the president to advance in a new loan from which the small print is unknown. A blank check delivered by collaborative deputies, which condemns the country to greater submission and a new debt that is not known or what amount will be, or that interest rate, nor in which time it must be canceled. Once again the caste saved Milei, just when he is going through his worst moment.
Amchamle brings together more than 720 companies in the United States in Argentina, including the most important. From the organization they celebrated the approval of the DNU, describing it as “a fundamental measure to normalize the dollarized debt.” But in addition, they insisted again to “release the exchange and financial market”, which would bring a new devaluation hand in hand. “The elimination of stocks is an expected decision a long time ago, with direct effects on investment, trade and access to financing. As we always maintain that companies need stability and clear rules to develop and generate quality employment. Release the exchange and financial market will allow greater dynamism and integration of Argentina in the global context,” they said in the statement.
This time there was no complaint about “institutionality” or reference to the illegality of the ruling party, which issued a DNU illegally to authorize itself to agree with the IMF. The appeal is because of the extreme fragility of the government, that if it had to send a bill to approve both chambers, the sanction would not achieve.
Cornered by several crises and at the worst time since its assumption, Milei has been facing serious questions to its economic plan. In the last week he had to face a minicorrida in the markets, which begin to see a devaluation on the horizon and that the bicycle business designed by Caputo is no longer so profitable. That led to the Government to make the decision to squander more than 1,000 million dollars from the Central Bank reserves to contain the price of the dollar, waiting to advance the negotiations with the IMF. That is why he has opted for deepenone more time, the path of indebtedness and dependence with international financial organizations. And that’s why The usual vultures celebrate.
The elimination of stocks is an expected decision long ago, with direct effects on investment, trade and access to financing. As always we maintain that companies need stability and clear rules to develop and generate quality employment. Release the …
– Amcham Argentina (@amchamargentina) March 20, 2025
The elimination of stocks is an expected decision long ago, with direct effects on investment, trade and access to financing. As always we maintain that companies need stability and clear rules to develop and generate quality employment. Release the …
– Amcham Argentina (@amchamargentina) March 20, 2025
Amcham’s support and demands are not casual. This new agreement makes clear what the country model that defends: one subordinated to the interests of transnational capital, where Economic policies are designed according to the needs of the global financial market and with their backs to the vast majority of the population that has been supporting the adjustment.
However, the respite that gave the caste to Milei does not imply a guarantee that its plan and that of large corporations can be imposed without turbulence, but quite the opposite. That is why it is more necessary than ever
To raise the need to know this illegitimate and illegal debt sovereignly, and continue to promote mobilization as a way of opposing a great social force that rejects the adjustment and looting policies imposed by the IMF. The future of millions cannot be tied to the decisions of the IMF, a handful of corporations and the usual vultures.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com