The residents of the Mataderos neighborhood are blocking José León Suárez and Alberdi streets one block from Gral. Paz on the CABA side. They have been without electricity for 6 days.
They ask that the television channels come closer to make visible the desperate situation they are going through. These power cuts are constant in the southern part of the City, for example, in the neighborhoods of Villa Lugano and Flores.
In the cut there are disabled people, they say that in the area there are also electro-dependents and insulin-dependents without electricity, for now there are more than 50. They lost medicines and a lot of food, “we can’t live like this anymore, we want light, we want them to listen to us! ”.
They have lost medicines, a lot of food. There are more than 50 people at the moment. We can’t live like this!
— Nancy Savo (@SavoNancy) March 7, 2023
During the first 9 months of 2022, the distributor belonging to the multinational Enel registered a profit of more than $18.5 million per day. The Frente de Todos rewarded it with important reductions in its debts with Cammesa, but for the users it advanced with the rates. From the Left Front of Workers Unity (FITU), there is a need to discuss the end of privatizations and the nationalization of the energy system, under the control of its workers and user committees.
For all the above and in view of the energy crisis, the FITU presented in the National Congress a project for the expropriation and nationalization of the electric power companies. “Our project aims to guarantee the quality of the service and put an end to power outages,” said Nicolás Del Caño.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com